VS Meta Description



With this lightweight plugin you can add a meta description to your website.

The meta description summarizes the content of a post or page.

Search engines such as Google and Bing will use the meta description when displaying search results.

Add a meta description only for your homepage, or for each individual post and page.

This plugin also supports WooCommerce products, product categories and tags.

How to use

After installation go to the settings page. This page is located at Settings > Meta description.

More info about using this plugin is displayed there as well.

Have a question?

Please take a look at the FAQ section.


Translations are not included, but the plugin supports WordPress language packs.

More translations are very welcome!

The translation folder inside this plugin is redundant, but kept for reference.


Without help and support from the WordPress community I was not able to develop this plugin, so thank you!


  • Settings page (dashboard)
  • Settings page (dashboard)
  • Settings page (dashboard)
  • Page excerpt classic editor (dashboard)
  • Page excerpt block editor (dashboard)
  • Category description (dashboard)
  • WooCommerce product short description (dashboard)


How do I set plugin language?

The plugin will use the website language, set in Settings > General.

If translations are not available in the selected language, English will be used.

How is the meta description added to my website?

The meta description will be added to the head section of your website.

Why does this plugin recommend a certain meta description length?

Because search engines such as Google and Bing recommend a meta description length roughly between 120 and 160 characters.

If your meta description is too short it may be ignored in favour of one that is generated by the search engine.

And if your meta description is too long it may be cut off.

Why does a search engine ignore my meta description?

After adding or changing a meta description it can take up to several weeks before search engines such as Google and Bing have indexed your website again.

But a search engine can also decide not to use it, if your meta description does not match the requirements.

Why no excerpt box in the editor?

When using the block editor, click the options icon and select “Preferences”.

When using the classic editor, click the “Screen Options” tab.

Probably the checkbox to display the relevant box in the editor is not checked.

Why no product section on settings page?

This section is only available if WooCommerce is installed and active.

Can I use this plugin with other SEO plugins?

If you have an active plugin (or theme) that also contains a meta description feature, don’t activate or use this feature.

Why is there no semantic versioning?

The version number won’t give you info about the type of update (major, minor, patch). You should check the changelog to see whether or not the update is a major or minor one.

How can I make a donation?

You like my plugin and want to make a donation? There’s a PayPal donate link at my website. Thank you!

Other questions or comments?

Please open a topic in the WordPress.org support forum for this plugin.


2023 年 10 月 8 日 1 則留言
It inserts the same description for all pages, basically ruining the SEO of the entire site.
2021 年 10 月 29 日
Migrated from Yoast to this plugin to get rid of bloat in the admin area. I also like that it uses the built in post excerpt instead of custom meta like Yoast.
閱讀全部 14 則使用者評論


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〈VS Meta Description〉外掛目前已有 12 個本地化語言版本。 感謝全部譯者為這個外掛做出的貢獻。

將〈VS Meta Description〉外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版


任何人均可瀏覽程式碼、查看 SVN 存放庫,或透過 RSS 訂閱開發記錄


Version 7.7

  • Textual changes

Version 7.6

  • Minor changes in code

Version 7.5

  • Minor changes in code

Version 7.4

  • Minor changes in code

Version 7.3

  • Minor changes in code

Version 7.2

  • Bumped the “requires PHP” version to 7.0
  • Bumped the “requires at least” version to 5.0
  • Minor changes in code

Version 7.1

  • Textual changes
  • Minor changes in code

Version 7.0

  • Minor changes in code

Version 6.9

  • Minor changes in code

Version 6.8

  • Removed function load_plugin_textdomain() because redundant
  • Plugin uses the WP language packs for its translation
  • Kept translation folder for reference

For all versions please check file changelog.