這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

Vendreo Open Banking Gateway


Vendreo are disrupting the payment processing industry, with a suite of class-leading solutions.

With decades of payments experience, the Vendreo team combine their expertise and points their focus exactly where it needs to be for the online world to benefit.

Vendreo’s latest payment solution. Accept Open Banking payments online through your WooCommerce store safely and securely.

This plugin uses third party API requests and will communicate with Vendreo’s secure API to process your payments via the URL https://api.vendreo.com/v1/request-payment.

To view the API documentation please visit.

To view our Terms And Conditions please visit.

To view our Privacy Policy please visit.


Why are my orders not being marked as paid?

Ensure that the callback endpoint is working by visiting https://your-site.com/wc-api/ob_callback in your browser.
You should see -1 shown with a 200 response code.

If not, this can be caused by permalinks automatically adding a slash to the end of the url.

Try resolving this by:

  1. In the WordPress admin visit Settings / Permalinks.
  2. Select Day and name under Permalink structure being sure to hit save.




以下人員參與了開源軟體〈Vendreo Open Banking Gateway〉的開發相關工作。


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2024-03-28 – version 2.0.0

  • [Add] – Added in GitHub Action supporting files for code linting checks.
  • [Add] – ReadMe.txt.
  • [Update] – Replaced json_encode calls with wp_json_encode().
  • [Update] – Replaced Curl calls with wp_remote_post().
  • [Update] – Renamed woocommerce-vendreo-ob-gateway.php to vendreo-ob-gateway.php.
  • [Update] – Renamed /includes/php/woocommerce-vendreo-ob-block.php to /includes/php/class-vendreo-ob-gateway-blocks.php.
  • [Update] – Renamed /includes/php/woocommerce-vendreo-ob-gateway.php to /includes/php/class-woocommerce-vendreo-ob-gateway.php.
  • [Tweak] – ReadMe file changes.
  • [Remove] – Removed Update URI: from header.

See changelog for all versions.