

這個外掛已於 2024 年 5 月 3 日關閉,且不提供下載。 原因: 安全性問題


2024 年 4 月 30 日
This is a really helpful plugin, but it hasn’t been tested for the last 3 major if wordpress as they stated. Please can you keep supporting it? That was awesome and i won’t change with another one. Thank you so much
2023 年 2 月 15 日
I use Velvet Blue almost every time I migrate a website, and it is so dang useful. In the few cases where it doesn’t work, the “Find & Replace All” plugin does the job. Thanks for making such a helpful tool!
2022 年 3 月 23 日
All of the WordPress sites we are tasked to create start up in a local development stack. When we are ready to present the site to our clients, we migrate the sites over to our demo server for them to see and make their approvals or critiques. Once approved, we migrate the sites over to their permanent hosts with proper domain names. We use Velvet Blues Update URLs with both of these manual migrations to change the domain names of all links within sites. Every WP installation of ours has this plugin installed in case links need to be updated or if we need to copy sites to our dev stack to perform any local diagnostics. This plugin works with WordPress 5.9.2.
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