這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

Vagaro Booking Widget


Online booking with salon and spa has never been easier. Use our cloud based system to accept appointments online within your WordPress website even when used on mobile phones. We also offer your clients a native mobile app to book with you on the go. Sell gift certificates and take reviews on your site. Run you whole salon and spa business using our point of sale capabilities.

  • Three widget options: Booking menu embedded into a WordPress page, a button to trigger the booking popup, or a button to open the booking menu in a new window
  • Colors and fonts can be customized to match your website design.


  • Introduction
  • Login
  • Design a widget
  • Widget type
  • Choose a widget button
  • Widget button in a post or page
  • Widget shown in a pop-up
  • Widget embedded in a page
  • Widget short code
  • Book 24/7 page


  • Install the plugin and activate it from the ‘Plugins’ menu.
  • Navigate to the ‘Settings’ menu and click ‘Vagaro Setup’.
  • If you don’t have a Vagaro business account, click ‘Signup’ to create a free trial account.
  • Click on ‘Login’ to log into your business account. Once logged in, you can start to customize a widget.
  • Upon saving the widget, you can choose one of the three widget types:
  • Paste the [vagaro_booking_widget] short code onto any page or post where you want the widget to be displayed.


FAQ, webinar classes, self-tutoring videos and many more are available at Vagaro Support Forums.


2018 年 7 月 24 日
Great! But I prefer to have a system of my own.
2016 年 9 月 3 日
Does nothing once logged in. Everything I click does absolutely nothing. Added the shortcode to the page and nothing (Even a temp widget) appears.
閱讀全部 4 則使用者評論


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Initial version


Expand DB to store larger widget code.


Ceter login popup.
Redirect to Book 24/7 page upon saving configuration.