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User Profile Meta Manager


Quickly add, edit, and remove your user’s custom meta fields in your Admin Panel simply by editing their profile.

  • Add new custom meta fields to your users
  • Edit already existing fields
  • Delete unwanted custom meta fields
  • Simple AJAX flow: never have to refresh the page.
  • For Developers: quick access to a user meta dump


  • This is the user profile meta manager.


  1. Upload the ‘user-profile-meta’ folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


How do I use the meta manager?

In the Admin Panel, edit the user’s profile just like you would for any other field. You will find several controls at the bottom of the page to manage custom meta fields.


2017 年 8 月 22 日 1 則留言
The plugin needs an update. No such tabs show up in the Users section of WP-admin.
2016 年 9 月 3 日
Hi man, i really love your plugin and it saves me always, but there is a problem, when you click on EDIT button to edit a value, and CANCEL the edit, it sends the request with empty string! In line 102 and before sending the ajax call: var mvalue = prompt(“Please provide a meta value.”); I just surrounded the request with if (mvalue) condition, please apply that fix in the next version. You also should not OVERWRITE similar meta keys! and thank you very much!
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  • Fixed security flaw as reported by @MichaelApproved


  • Initial build with add/edit/delete functionality