Ultimate Category Excluder 簡稱 UCE,是個能讓網站管理員快速輕易地從網站首頁、彙整頁面、RSS 資訊提供及搜尋結果中排除指定分類的 WordPress 外掛。只要選取想要排除的分類,UCE 會自行完成其他必要的相關工作。
- 下載 Ultimate Category Excluder。
- 將 ultimate-category-excluder.zip 這個檔案進行解壓縮。
- 在 WordPress 管理後台的 [外掛] 頁面啟用外掛。
- 在 WordPress 管理後台的 [設定] 選單的 [排除分類] 中可以進行相關設定。
- 如果你是從舊版進行升級,請先到 [排除分類] 設定頁中將至少一個分類設定為 [從搜尋結果中加以排除] 並儲存設定,之後再回到設定頁,取消之前的設定,然後再儲存一次設定。
當我在站內進行搜尋時,在搜尋結果頁會出現 PHP 錯誤:Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /wp-content/plugins/ultimate-category-excluder/ultimate-category-excluder.php on line
請先到 [排除分類] 設定頁中將至少一個分類設定為 [從搜尋結果中加以排除] 並儲存設定,之後再回到設定頁,取消之前的設定,然後再儲存一次設定。
- Added option to disable category exclusion if request for posts is coming from authenticated API. Thanks to Daniel Jalkut (Red Sweater) (@redsweater) for providing the code.
- Added array checks to avoid fatal error on plugin’s admin page.
- Corrected text domain value.
- No code changes. Syncing files.
- Modified implementation of text domain to match the standard approach.
- Addressed minor vulnerability reported by SCA AppSec of Checkmarx. If concerned, review your UCE category settings to ensure they are set as expected.
- Bug fix for compatibility with Yoast Video SEO plugin.
- Bug fix thanks to Golemming (re. deprecated function mysql_get_server_info).
- Compatibility with WordPress 4.4.2 confirmed.
- Documentation updated. No functionality changed.
- Plugin development and support transferred from Michael Clark to Marios Alexandrou.
- September 11, 2013 – Went back to the last known (no complaints at least!) version, 0.84.
- September 10, 2013 – Fixed some more bugs that I introduced while trying to fix other bugs. Cleaned up the code, tried to be more consistent with line spacing and indents so everything is easier to read. Released the Beta version.
- September 9, 2013 – It turns out that some themes process their home pages in odd ways. This resulted in UCE no longer correctly filtering out the excluded categories. This was a hard bug to figure out, as I couldn’t reproduce it on any of my sites. I think I’ve got it fixed now, but I do have a report that UCE is now causing a conflict with a separate page on the site. So I am working on that; but since this version should fix most people’s home pages, I’m releasing it while continuing to bug hunt. Thank you for your patience. Many thanks to Michael Westergaard, Alyx Hydrick, Alain Saintpo, Seth Vore, and Michael Pollock for their help in figuring out what was happening.
I also fixed several very subtle bugs that were throwing error messages behind the scenes. And I tweaked the system information section at the bottom of the UCE settings page.
Added the Danish translation. I don’t who to thank for providing this.
Added Brazilian translation. Thank you to Leandro Callegari Coelho.
Feel free to send me other languages if you like.
- September 4, 2013 – You can now exclude categories from appearing in results from the built-in WordPress search engine. Other search engines (e.g. Bing, Google) may still be able to find and index your content. Also fixed a bug that excluded categories from appearing in the Post Editor. And fixed a bug in the system information section.
- August 3, 2013 – Fixed empty category bug. Again.
- August 2, 2013 – Added code to give version info for MySQL, PHP, WP and UCE. UCE also works with WP 3.6.
- July 7, 2011 – Categories that do not have any posts in them will now appear on the list of categories.
- May 6, 2011 – Added internationalization (i18n) based on Patrick Skiebe’s suggestion and code. He has provided a German translation. Feel free to send me other languages if you like.
- February 24, 2011 – Addressed a bug in UCE that didn’t handle multiple excluded categories correctly.
- February 24, 2011 – Addressed a bug in WP 3.1.
- October 10, 2009 – A user pointed out a bug when trying to filter down categories in the edit posts admin area. I believe I’ve fixed this, but let me know if you still have trouble.
- June 20, 2009 – James Revillini pointed out a few fairly obvious bugs. I’ve incorporated his changes into the software.
0.21 Beta
- January 10, 2008 – Initial release, fixed file name bug, dashes vs. underscores
0.2 Beta
- December 13, 2007 – Initial release, tweaked to refer to PlanetMike.com, no functionality changed
0.1 Beta
- February 14, 2007 – Initial release