uk-tides displays tide times and heights for a particular location in the UK.
The information that is displayed is obtained from the RSS feed for tidetimes.org.uk (eg https://www.tidetimes.org.uk/chichester-harbour-entrance-tide-times.rss )
or tidetimes.co.uk ( eg https://www.tidetimes.co.uk/rss/chichester-harbour-entrance-tide-times ).
The data is cached until midnight.
This plugin implements a block called UK tides ( uk-tides/uk-tides ).
- It’s much easier to use than the shortcode.
- It uses the functionality that was previously implemented as the [bw_tides] shortcode.
- The block is not dependent upon the oik plugin.
The syntax for the [bw_tides] shortcode is:
tideurl=”https://www.tidetimes.org.uk/chichester-harbour-entrance-tide-times.rss|other – RSS feed URL for location”
store=”1|store key – unique key for caching result”]
[bw_tides] with no parameters will display the tide times and heights for Chichester Harbour Entrance. The information will be cached in store=1 until midnight.
[bw_tides store=bw_tides_pompey tideurl=”https://www.tidetimes.org.uk/portsmouth”] will display the tide times and heights obtained from
https://www.tidetimes.org.uk/portsmouth-tide-times.rss and cache the result in a store named ‘bw_tides_pompey’
Note: Using the store parameter allows you to display tide time and height information for more than one location.
If you prefer you can use tidetimes.co.uk as the source for tidal information.
[bw_tides tideurl=”https://www.tidetimes.co.uk/rss/chichester-harbour-entrance-tide-times”]
這個外掛提供 1 個可供 Gutenberg/區塊編輯器使用的區塊。
- UK tides Tide times and heights
- Upload the contents of the uk-tides plugin to the `/wp-content/plugins/uk-tides’ directory
- Activate the uk-tides plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Whenever you want to produce UK Tide times and heights for the current date use the UK tides block.
How do I find the value for tideurl?
Note: This is not necessary when you use the block, the tideurl is automatically created based on your selection of Site and Port.
- Visit www.tidetimes.org.uk,
- click on the location of your choice,
- click on the RSS feed icon,
- copy the URL from the feed
eg for Brighton Marina the value for tideurl is https://www.tidetimes.org.uk/brighton-marina-tide-times.rss
- Visit www.tidetimes.co.uk,
- click on the location of your choice,
- click on the RSS feed icon,
- copy the URL from the feed
eg for Brighton Marina the value for tideurl is https://www.tidetimes.co.uk/rss/brighton-marina-tide-times
What if I don’t live in the UK?
uk-tides currently only works for the UK and Ireland since the information is obtained from https://www.tidetimes.org.uk or https://www.tidetimes.co.uk
If you can point us to a resource for other locations then it should be possible to develop a very similar solution. -
Isn’t there some JavaScript that does something similar?
Yes. See https://www.tidetimes.org.uk/widgets or https://www.tidetimes.co.uk/widgets
You may find the output harder to (re)style.
Further reading
If you want to read more about the oik plugins then please visit the
oik plugin “OIK – OIK Information Kit”
- Changed: Updated wp-scripts #29
- Tested: With WordPress 6.7 and WordPress Multisite
- Tested: With Gutenberg 19.6.1
- Tested: With PHP 8.3
- Tested: With PHPUnit 9.6