TS Comfort DB


TS Comfort DB is a database manager to manage your current used WordPress database in WordPress Backend.
Do you know? You’re a WordPress developer and theres no PHPMyAdmin or something available or you do not have access to this tool?
But you want to debug something or check if your currently developed plugin saves the test data ordinary?
Therefore i created TS Comfort DB.
It has basic database functionality but it`s restricted as much as needed that it has only influence at the current WordPress database.

* Full Text Search
* Create, Edit and Delete Datasets
* Get Meta Information like Primary Key or Field Type
* Sort by Column
* Table Filter-Functionality
* Backend Post Search
* SQL Exporter
* CSV Exporter
* Unserialize Table-Cells
* JSON Decode Table-Cells

Since Version 1.0.9 there is an Adminbar Menu, that you can activate in the options to quick access database tables.

Since Version 2.0.4 these is possibility change look and feel with another skin and to speed up table overview with de-activating or caching meta information



Copy the TS Comfort DB Plugin Folder to your WordPress Plugin Folder and activate it.


2022 年 8 月 2 日 2 則留言
Does seemingly well the job! Note to the developer(for a future update) : when I try to manually create a new dataset in a table and the primary key is already taken by another dataset, I get no error message explaining it (just the text in red “INSERT INTO…” ) and more importantly, the data typed is lost, and has to be typed again. It would be nice to have it inserted again in the form automatically in case of such an error.
2020 年 5 月 22 日
I had to login for the first time in many years just to review the plugin. Lifesaver! Keep up the good work!
2019 年 4 月 2 日
Thank you for creating this. Another must have in my plugin dev workflow.
閱讀全部 3 則使用者評論


以下人員參與了開源軟體〈TS Comfort DB〉的開發相關工作。


〈TS Comfort DB〉外掛目前已有 1 個本地化語言版本。 感謝全部譯者為這個外掛做出的貢獻。

將〈TS Comfort DB〉外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版


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  • 2.0.7
    Fix “no error message” when submit fails dataset editor
    Remember input data when submit fails dataset editor
    Add different Page Titles on different locations

  • 2.0.6
    Fix wrong download url in file manager again

  • 2.0.5
    Fix wrong download url in file manager
    Fix PHP Warning for calling not static function

  • 2.0.4
    Implement de-activation of meta-data in table overview. Now loading metadata in table overview can be disabled in the settings
    If meta data in table-overview was loaded it is now cached in the browser session storage (as long as tab is open), so when you go back to table overview it is faster loaded
    Add Skin Selection and WordPress Skin

  • 2.0.3
    Fix little graphical issues and add js improvements

  • 2.0.2
    Add missing menu image

  • 2.0.1
    Fix problems with folder creation

  • 2.0.0
    Add table cell context menu
    Add SQL-Exporter
    Add CSV-Exporter
    Changes in JS to provide jQuery 3.x Support

  • 1.0.10
    Fix errors in table search and table pagination
    Fix errors in database core class

  • 1.0.9
    Add Adminbar Menu

  • 1.0.8
    Fix problems with NULL Value

  • 1.0.7
    Add Table Filter in Table Overveiw
    Prepare CSS for upcoming features
    Add Plugin Version Number to Table Overview Headline
    Add PHP Version Number to Table Overview Subheadline

  • 1.0.6
    Add Global Post Search Functionality
    Add Meta Data to Table Overview

  • 1.0.5
    Add textareas in full text search table for a better data view

  • 1.0.4
    Add textareas in table for a better data view

  • 1.0.3
    Fix Table Search when using strings

  • 1.0.2
    Fix ajax-admin.php Access Error because of restrictions on admin_init “create options” method

  • 1.0.1
    Fix some Errors in internal SQL