Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)

Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) helps you easily customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields. Proudly powering over 2 million we …

WP Engine 啟用安裝數: 超過 2 百萬 保證相容版本: 6.5.2 已於 2 週前更新

Rename Taxonomies by WebMan

Customizes text and menu labels for any registered taxonomy using a simple interface.

WebMan Design, Oliver Juhas 啟用安裝數: 1,000+ 保證相容版本: 6.4.4 已於 5 個月前更新

Meta Box – WordPress 自訂欄位架構

Meta Box 是一款功能強大,專為專業開發者設計的工具組外掛,它能為 WordPress 網站的自訂內容類型建立自訂中繼資料區塊及自訂欄位。 啟用安裝數: 700,000+ 保證相容版本: 6.5.2 已於 2 天前更新

Radio Buttons for Taxonomies

Replace the default taxonomy boxes with a custom metabox that uses radio buttons… effectively limiting each post to a single term in that taxonomy.

helgatheviking 啟用安裝數: 20,000+ 保證相容版本: 6.1.0 已於 1 年前更新

Post Types Unlimited

Post Types Unlimited is an easy way to add custom post types and custom taxonomies to your WordPress site (the right way).

WPExplorer 啟用安裝數: 10,000+ 保證相容版本: 6.3.4 已於 8 個月前更新

Attachment Taxonomies

This plugin adds categories and tags to the WordPress media library – lightweight and developer-friendly.

Felix Arntz 啟用安裝數: 1,000+ 保證相容版本: 6.5.2 已於 1 個月前更新

Custom post types, Custom Fields & more

Custom Post Types, Custom Fields, Custom Taxonomies, Custom Templates, Custom Admin Pages, Custom Admin Notices. Directly from the WP dashboard. 啟用安裝數: 4,000+ 保證相容版本: 6.4.4 已於 2 週前更新

Enhanced Media Library

This plugin would be handy for those who need to manage a lot of media files.

wpUXsolutions 啟用安裝數: 90,000+ 保證相容版本: 6.5.2 已於 3 小時前更新

F4 Media Taxonomies

Add filters and bulk actions for attachment categories, tags and custom taxonomies.

FAKTOR VIER 啟用安裝數: 1,000+ 保證相容版本: 6.5.2 已於 3 週前更新

TP Restore Categories And Taxonomies

Quickly restores deleted or lost categories and taxonomies.
It's an essential tool for anyone who wants to save time when restoring lost data on …

TP Plugins 啟用安裝數: 70+ 保證相容版本: 6.3.4 已於 8 個月前更新

Multi-column Tag Map

Multi-column Tag Map will display tags, pages, posts, categories, custom post types, authors and taxonomies in a visually logical way similiar to that …

Alan Jackson 啟用安裝數: 5,000+ 保證相容版本: 6.4.4 已於 1 個月前更新

Disable Blog

這個外掛適用於需要 WordPress 強大的功能、但不需要部落格功能的網站。

Joshua David Nelson 啟用安裝數: 10,000+ 保證相容版本: 6.4.4 已於 4 個月前更新

Custom Taxonomy Order


Marcel Pol 啟用安裝數: 50,000+ 保證相容版本: 6.5.2 已於 1 個月前更新

Simple Taxonomy Refreshed

This plugin provides a no-code facility to manage your taxonomies – either by defining your own or by adding additional function to existing ones.

Neil James 啟用安裝數: 500+ 保證相容版本: 6.5.2 已於 2 週前更新