外掛標籤: redirection
Rank Math SEO – 用於把握 SEO 排名的人工智慧 SEO 工具
(6,952 次評分次數)Rank Math SEO 是 WordPress 首屈一指的 SEO 外掛,單一套件內包含多項 SEO 及人工智慧 SEO 工具,能讓網站 SEO 流量倍增。
All 404 Redirect to Homepage
(92 次評分次數)Using this plugin, you can fix all 404 error links by redirecting them to homepage using the SEO 301 redirection. Improve your SEO rank & pages speed
301 Redirects – Easy Redirect Manager
(544 次評分次數)Manage 301 & 302 redirects. Simple redirection & redirects validation. Includes redirect stats & 404 error log.
Slim SEO – 快速、自動化的 WordPress SEO 外掛
(102 次評分次數)完整功能的 WordPress SEO 外掛,具備以最少設定完成輕量化、高效率的特色。不含無用功能,專心做好 SEO 工作。
VK Link Target Controller
(1 次評分次數)Redirect your visitors to another page than the post content when they click on the post title.
IP2Location Country Blocker
(116 次評分次數)以國家/地區或 Proxy 伺服器作為篩選條件,封鎖不想讓他存取網站前端 (網站頁面) 或後端 (管理後台區域) 的網站訪客。
Simple Membership After Login Redirection
(15 次評分次數)An addon for the simple membership plugin to configure after login redirection to a specific page based on the member's level.
Redirect 404 Error Page to Homepage or Custom Page with Logs
(44 次評分次數)Redirect the 404 error page to the homepage or any other page with logs. Supports permanent (301), temporary (302) redirects & not found (404).
Simple Website Redirect
(21 次評分次數)A simple plugin designed to redirect an entire website (except the WordPress backend) to another website.
Extensions For CF7 (Contact form 7 Database, Conditional Fields and Redirection)
(5 次評分次數)Easily save contact form data, apply conditional logic in the fields and redirect to any page after contact form submission.
(14 次評分次數)Easily redirect any post or page to another page with a dropdown menu or by manually typing in a URL. Check out the screenshots.
Blogger To WordPress
(26 次評分次數)This plugin automates setting up 1-to-1 mapping between Blogger.com (blogspot) blog posts and your new WordPress blog posts.
QR Redirector
(11 次評分次數)QR Redirector lets you create a QR code for a URL on your site, and redirect that URL anywhere. The result is a reusable QR Code.
Equivalent Mobile Redirect
(33 次評分次數)以簡易的方式偵測行動裝置使用者,並將其重新導向至行動版網站的相同內容頁面。將全部行動裝置使用者重新導向至同一行動版網站網址為選用功能。
Redirect 404 to Home Page – Custom URL
(2 次評分次數)This Wordpress Plugin fixes 404 Errors in Google Webmasters by Redirecting all 404 URLs to Home Page or a Custom URL.
WP Post Redirect
(5 次評分次數)Redirect your posts to an external link by adding the url into a new metabox. Simply and efficient!