外掛標籤: menus
User Menus – Nav Menu Visibility
(1,223 次評分次數)Show/hide menu items to logged in users, logged out users or specific user roles. Display logged in user details in menu. Add a logout link to menu.
Themebeez Toolkit
(1 次評分次數)A essential toolkit for WordPress themes developed by us. Themebeez Toolkit helps you to import dummy demo contents. It also adds extra features & …
Editor Menu and Widget Access
(24 次評分次數)Allow and control Editor and Shop Manager access to the menus, widgets and appearance menu, plus other menus and adminbar items.
Ozh' Admin Drop Down Menu
(74 次評分次數)All admin links available in a neat horizontal drop down menu. Saves lots of screen real estate!
Everest Toolkit
(0 次評分次數)A essential toolkit for themes made by everestthemes (everestthemes.com). Everest toolkit helps you to setup your website or blog faster.
Export WordPress Menus
(24 次評分次數)Export WordPress Menus 能讓網站管理員匯出 WordPress 網站上的選單,這個外掛也提供了可依照日期範圍匯出選單的篩選器,讓網站管理員可依月份匯出選單。
WordPress Menu Exporter
(35 次評分次數)A plugin taht lets you export only your WordPress menus via the WordPress Export page.