外掛標籤: internet explorer 6
IE6 Support for Twenty Ten Theme
(0 次評分次數)This plugin brings Internet Explorer 6 support for the new default Wordpress theme Twenty Ten.
(0 次評分次數)Plugin for WordPress to insert the code snippet for IE6Update into your WordPress pages.
Stop IE6
(0 次評分次數)This plugin identifies if a visitor is using Internet Explorer 6 (or older) and suggests to upgrade to a recent version or to install another web brow …
IE6 Upgrade Option
(1 次評分次數)IE6 Upgrade Option utilizes the 25K script created by Free the Foxes: http://www.freethefoxes.com/ as a WordPress plugin. This plugin previously utili …
(0 次評分次數)'No IE' blocks visits from Internet Explorer 7 and earlier and displays a nice message with a list of better browsers.