外掛標籤: image
(284 次評分次數)Automatically resizes huge image uploads. Are contributors uploading huge photos? Tired of manually resizing your images? Imsanity to the rescue!
Image Prioritizer
(0 次評分次數)使用 fetchpriority=high 最佳化最大內容繪製 (Largest Contentful Paint,LCP) 圖片載入,並使用真實使用者指標透過用戶端偵測為圖片套用延遲載入。
Pro Mime Types – Manage file media types
(2 次評分次數)Pro Mime Types adds a nifty admin interface for allowing or blocking many file extensions for uploading media, documents, and other attachments.
S3 Image Optimizer
(1 次評分次數)Compress images in Amazon S3 buckets using lossless and lossy optimization methods via the EWWW Image Optimizer.