外掛標籤: bodymovin
LottieFiles – 區塊編輯器/Gutenberg 的 Lottie 區塊
(13 次評分次數)WordPress 的 LottieFiles 外掛是使用區塊編輯器/Gutenberg 將 Lottie 動畫加入 WordPress 網站最簡便的方式。
Animentor – Lottie & Bodymovin for Elementor
(8 次評分次數)An Elementor extension that adds a widget for Lottie animations.
LottieFiles – JSON Based Animation Lottie & Bodymovin for Elementor
(5 次評分次數)Elementor addon to use creative layout to your site with smaller json file using Lottie animations.
AM LottiePlayer
(5 次評分次數)The most complete Lottie Player plugin! It is lightweight, versatile and easy to use, and it works with Gutenberg, Divi, Elementor and Flatsome.