外掛標籤: anti-adblock
CHP Ads Block Detector
(22 次評分次數)Block Ads Blocker Extensions and Increase your revenue by using Ads Blocker Detector Plugin
(32 次評分次數)這個外掛會偵測 Google AdSense 廣告 (或其他廣告聯播網) 是否無法在網站上顯示。如果廣告遭到 AdBlock 或 AdBlock Plus 等廣告封鎖程式封鎖,便會出現彈出式文字訊息,要求使用者將網站加入允許清單。
Eazy Ad Unblocker
(10 次評分次數)Eazy Ad Unblocker notifies the user if ad blockers like AdBlock, AdGuard AdBlocker, AdBlock Plus are blocking advertisements which you paintstakingly …
Unblock Adblocker
(4 次評分次數)An Easiest solution for showing message to the user to whitelist the site on their adblocker
AdBlock X
(6 次評分次數)Plugin designed to help you examine ad blockers' impact on your website(s) and take action against them.
Better Stop Adblock
(22 次評分次數)This plugin detects if a visitor to your website has AdBlock software enabled. In this case, a notification will appear.
Anti-AdBlock Script
(4 次評分次數)Show your ads/popups despite of AdBlock with the intelligent anti AdBlock solution by Adbreach.