Sync Footer Widget


Sync Footer Widget fetches the footer content directly from a specified GitHub Page and displays it in a widget. This is useful for websites that want to share the same footer content across multiple WordPress installations, making it easier to manage and update.

– Fetches HTML footer content from GitHub Pages.
– Displays content in a customizable widget area.
– Ideal for websites sharing the same footer content.


  • The widget settings screen where you input the GitHub Page URL.
  • Example of footer content displayed on the front-end.1. Preview Footer on GitHub Page


  1. Upload the plugin’s ZIP file through the WordPress admin panel by navigating to Plugins > Add New.
  2. Once installed, activate the plugin through the Plugins menu.
  3. Go to Appearance > Widgets to add the “Sync Footer Widget” to your footer area.
  4. Provide a valid GitHub Page URL in the widget settings to sync the footer content.


Can I use this plugin with any GitHub repository?

No, this plugin only works with publicly accessible GitHub Pages containing HTML content. You need to provide a link to a page that is publicly viewable.

Does the plugin support dynamic content?

Yes, any HTML, CSS, or JavaScript embedded within the GitHub Page will be rendered on your WordPress site.

Can I use multiple widgets on different pages?

Yes, you can add multiple instances of the widget to different areas of your site.


2025 年 1 月 16 日
“Sync Footer Widget is a simple and effective plugin that allows you to synchronize and display footer content from a GitHub Page URL in your WordPress widget area. It’s ideal for websites needing consistent footer content across multiple installations, offering an easy-to-use solution with support for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.”
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以下人員參與了開源軟體〈Sync Footer Widget〉的開發相關工作。


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任何人均可瀏覽程式碼、查看 SVN 存放庫,或透過 RSS 訂閱開發記錄



  • Added compatibility with Airplane Mode by disabling it specifically for this plugin.
  • Allowed external requests to GitHub Pages via pre_http_request filter.
  • Improved error handling for fetching footer content.
  • Updated plugin description and version information.


  • Removed wp_kses function for HTML content handling.
  • Improved security measures for dynamic content rendering.


  • Initial release with GitHub Page syncing feature.