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Sublanguage Switcher Widget


The Sublanguage plugin is a great toolkit to create multilingual websites. The Sublanguage Switcher Widget
is a plugin which builds a more sophisticated language switcher widget.


  • List view of languages with language names and/or flags
  • List view can displayed horizontally or vertically
  • Selectbox view
  • Hide current language


  • maximeschoeni for the excellent Sublanguage plugin
  • Chouby / Polylang for the
    comprehensive list of predefined languages in the languages.php file.
  • Most of the flags included are coming from famfamfam and are public domain.

Wherever third party code has been used, credit has been given in the code’s comments.


  • Widget configuraton, list options
  • Widget configuration, selectbox options
  • Language switcher displayed in navigation bar and sidebar


Please install, activate and configure the Sublanguage plugin at first. If you’re familiar with
using sublanguage, e.g. if you have added a language and know how to create articles in multiple
languages, then it’s time to try out Sublanguage_Switcher_Widget.

Then upload and activate the plugin.

You can use the Sublanguage Switcher Widget as any widget available in your WordPress installation.
The Sublanguage Switcher Widget is available in the widgets configuration menu and in the widgets
section in the Customizer. All you have to do is to drag the “Sublanguage Switcher Widget” item
in an available widget zone.

The widget options are self-explanatory, so play around and have fun!


Installation Instructions

Please install, activate and configure the Sublanguage plugin at first. If you’re familiar with
using sublanguage, e.g. if you have added a language and know how to create articles in multiple
languages, then it’s time to try out Sublanguage_Switcher_Widget.

Then upload and activate the plugin.

You can use the Sublanguage Switcher Widget as any widget available in your WordPress installation.
The Sublanguage Switcher Widget is available in the widgets configuration menu and in the widgets
section in the Customizer. All you have to do is to drag the “Sublanguage Switcher Widget” item
in an available widget zone.

The widget options are self-explanatory, so play around and have fun!

The language switch is not shown, how do I remove the warning message?

This widget needs the Sublanguage plugin as prerequisite. Please install, activate and configure
Sublanguage, e.g. add a language, write an article in multiple languages and so on.

How can I style or customize the output?

You can use additional CSS to style the widget. All contents are contained in a DOM node with
the class “widget_sublanguage_switcher_widget”. So you’re free to add some styles.




以下人員參與了開源軟體〈Sublanguage Switcher Widget〉的開發相關工作。


將〈Sublanguage Switcher Widget〉外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版


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  • First release