Snow Monkey Blocks is a collection of content blocks for Gutenberg. With using this plugin, you can create and publish landing pages or highly designed page quickly and easily. Of course, you don’t need to write any code.
With Snow Monkey Blocks, you add blocks such as features, checklists, FAQs, steps, testimonials, CTA to Gutenberg and quickly and easily launch responsive landing pages without programming knowledge.
Snow Monkey Blocks is optimized for the Snow Monkey theme, but it can also be used with other themes. With using Snow Monkey and this plugin together, output will be perfect designed and will be same view of edit screen.
Module blocks
- Alert
- Balloon
- Box
- Button
- Button box (Button with microcopy)
- Icon list
- Pricing table
- Rating box
- Step
- Testimonial
- Items
- Slider
- Contents slider
- Panels
- Media text
- Recent posts (Can be used only with Snow Monkey)
- Taxonomy posts (Can be used only with Snow Monkey)
- Pickup slider
- Categories list
- Contents outline (Can be used only with Snow Monkey)
- Evaluation star
- Child pages (Can be used only with Snow Monkey)
- Accordion
- Limited datetime
- Countdown timer
- Directory structure
- Container
- Price menu
- Taxonomy (Can be used only with Snow Monkey)
- RSS (Can be used only with Snow Monkey)
- Information
- Tabs
- Insert pattern (Beta)
- Custom field
- Hero header
- Flex
- Grid
Section blocks
- Section
- Section with background image
- Section (Break the grid)
- Section (Side heading)
3rd party resources
Font Awesome
WebSite: https://fontawesome.com/
License: https://fontawesome.com/license/free
WebSite: http://kenwheeler.github.io/slick/
License: https://github.com/kenwheeler/slick/blob/master/LICENSE
KENJI HIROTA / Photographer
– https://hirokenji.com
– voido: https://voido.space
– cooks: https://cooks.jp
– License: CC BY 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed
Donald Tong
– https://stocksnap.io/author/25134
– stocksnap_wrn48fo5mr.jpg
– https://stocksnap.io/photo/nature-landscape-WRN48FO5MR
– License: CC0 https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
Michelle Kim
– https://stocksnap.io/author/50698
– stocksnap_lgg8nat9jy.jpg
– https://stocksnap.io/photo/nature-mountains-LGG8NAT9JY
– License: CC0 https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
Nathan Anderson
– https://stocksnap.io/author/28174
– stocksnap_ydxj69toal.jpg
– https://stocksnap.io/photo/mountain-highland-YDXJ69TOAL
– License: CC0 https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
– swing-ocean-sea2875.jpg
– http://alana.io/downloads/swing-ocean-sea/
– License: CC0 http://alana.io/license/
– smartphone-mobile-laptop36.jpg
– https://alana.io/downloads/smartphone-mobile-laptop/
– License: CC0 http://alana.io/license/
– beach-sand-coast2756.jpg
– http://alana.io/downloads/beach-sand-coast/
– License: CC0 http://alana.io/license/
– man-guy-photographer1579.jpg
– http://alana.io/downloads/man-guy-photographer/
– License: CC0 http://alana.io/license/
– building-windows-balconies330.jpg
– https://alana.io/downloads/building-windows-balconies/
– License: CC0 http://alana.io/license/
– building-architecture-sky2096.jpg
– https://alana.io/downloads/building-architecture-sky/
– License: CC0 http://alana.io/license/
Alert blocks Balloon blocks Box block (Color can be set freely) Button block (Color can be set freely) Button box block (Color can be set freely) FAQ block (The number of FAQ sets can be increased or decreased freely) Icon list block Pricing table block (The number of columns can be increased or decreased freely) Rating box block (The number of ratings can be increased or decreased freely) Step block (The number of steps can be increased or decreased freely) Testimonial block (The number of items can be increased or decreased freely) Items block (The number of items can be increased or decreased freely) Slider block (The number of images can be increased or decreased freely) Panel block (The number of items can be increased or decreased freely) Media text block Categories list block Evaluation star block Accordion block Limited datetime block (The number of items can be increased or decreased freely) Countdown timer block Directory structure block (The number of items can be increased or decreased freely) Price menu block (The number of items can be increased or decreased freely) Information block (The number of items can be increased or decreased freely) Tabs block (The number of tab can be increased or decreased freely) Hero header block Flex block Grid block Read more box block
這個外掛提供 73 個可供 Gutenberg/區塊編輯器使用的區塊。
- Like me box You can display like me box.
- Alert It is a block that warns visitors.
- Limited DateTime Only the set period is displayed
- Section (Break the grid) It is a break the grid section.
- Contents slider Show contents as beautiful sliders.
- Contents outline Display the table of contents above the first heading.
- Section (Side heading) Contents can be separated by appropriate margins.
- Child pages You can display child pages of this page.
- Tabs This is tabs block.
- Pickup slider Display posts with pickup tags as a slider.
- Grid Child blocks can be layout in grid.
- Thumbnail gallery (Deprecated) You can display a slide show with thumbnails. This block is being retained for backwards compatibility and is not recommended for use. Its use may slow down the page display.
- Icon list Icons are displayed only on the actual screen.
- Evaluation star Evaluate with star icons
- Steps Express the steps in an easy-to-understand manner.
- Recent posts You can display recent posts with richer.
- Flex Child blocks can be layout in flex box.
- Directory structure Display a list of directories and files
- Media & text Set media and words side-by-side for a richer layout.
- Accordion You can set up a content area that expands and contracts like the accordion.
- Balloon It is a block that can express a conversation.
- Custom field Displays the value of a custom field.
- Pickup slider (Deprecated) Display posts with pickup tags as a slider. This block is being retained for backwards compatibility and is not recommended for use. Its use may slow down the page display.
- Information You can post an information table.
- Read more box This block can open and close glimpsed contents.
- Pricing table Let's present the rate plan in an easy-to-understand manner.
- Box It is a box.
- Section (with background image/video) It is a section with a background image/video.
- Countdown Timer Display the countdown until the set date and time (Front-end only)
- Buttons Prompt visitors to take action with a group of button-style links.
- Slider (Deprecated) Show attractive images as beautiful sliders. This block is being retained for backwards compatibility and is not recommended for use. Its use may slow down the page display.
- Slider Show attractive images as beautiful sliders.
- FAQs You can list the FAQs.
- Taxonomy posts You can display recent posts linked to any taxonomy.
- Panels Let's line up the contents like the panel.
- Categories list This is a block that displays a list of categories
- Rating box Evaluate with bars.
- Items Let's line up the contents.
- Section Contents can be separated by appropriate margins.
- Testimonials Let's arrange the voice of the customer.
- Button box It is a button with micro copy.
- Price menu Display the menu name and the price.
- RSS Display entries from any RSS or Atom feed.
- Container Container blocks keep content within a certain width.
- Taxonomy You can display terms linked to any taxonomy.
- Hero header Text can be displayed over large images and videos.
- Insert pattern (Beta) Insert a pattern (Only root). This block is beta version. This block may be significantly modified or discontinued in the future. In that case, however, the inserted patterns will not be affected.
- Slide It is a child block of the contents slider block.
- Tab panel This is tab panel block.
- Slide (Deprecated) It is a child block of the thumbnail gallery block.
- Step (Free input) It is a child block of the step block.
- Step (Standard) It is a child block of the step block.
- Directory Display a directory item
- File Display a file item
- Panel
- Row It is a child block of the information block.
- Plan It is a child block of the pricing table block.
- Slide (Deprecated) It is a child block of the slider block.
- Button Prompt visitors to take action with a button-style link.
- FAQ It is a child block of the FAQ block.
- Panel (Free input) It is a child block of the panels block.
- Panel (Vertical layout) It is a child block of the panels block.
- Panel (Horizontal layout) It is a child block of the panels block.
- Panel (Free input / Block link) It is a child block of the panels block.
- Rating It is a child block of the rating box block.
- Item (Free input) It is a child block of the items block.
- Item (Deprecated)
- Item (Block Link) It is a child block of the items block.
- Banner It is a child block of the items block.
- Item (Standard) It is a child block of the items block.
- Section (with background YouTube video) It is a section with a background YouTube video.
- Testimonial It is a child block of the testimonial block.
- Menu It is a child block of the price menu block.
This plugin can be installed directly from your site.
- Log in and navigate to Plugins Add New.
- Type “Snow Monkey Blocks” into the Search and hit Enter.
- Locate the Snow Monkey Blocks plugin in the list of search results and click Install Now.
- Once installed, click the Activate link.
Can Snow Monkey Blocks be used with any theme?
Yes! You can use Snow Monkey Blocks with any theme, but we recommend using our Snow Monkey theme for the best presentation. Other themes may require adjustment of margin between blocks.
以下人員參與了開源軟體〈Snow Monkey Blocks〉的開發相關工作。