The Skysa App Bar is a web app platform which enhances any website or blog; giving you the ability to add over 50 apps like Live Support Chat, Instant Messaging and Announcements. Once setup the Skysa Bar displays on your webpage at the bottom or top (your choice) of the browser window; making it unobtrusive, while at the same time, presenting a range of applications you have added to the bar for your visitors and site members to use. This plugin allows you to integrate your Skysa App Bar (a service provided by Skysa.com) with your site without messing with any HTML or custom programming. The plugin provides you with options for when to display the bar (the option to hide for logged out users) and how to integrate your site members with it.
Listed below are some apps provided by the Skysa App Bar service, which this plugin allows you to integrate with. Skysa.com’s service requires that you signup there to get your App Bar ID for use in the plugin.
Apps Available in the Free Skysa.com Service
Site Translate
The Translate app will translate your website text to a language that is more familiar to your website visitor. You decide how many languages you want to offer for your website visitor to choose from. Additionally, this app extends the functionality of the Chat Room, Instant Messaging and Friend IM apps; enabling real-time conversation translation if installed.
RSS Readers
The RSS Feed app allows you to enter an RSS feed and display summary information from the feed in and App Window. The RSS Ticker app displays a ticker (scrolling message) from any RSS feed, on your bar. Features include: a mouse hover preview that shows some text from the entry and an image that auto pans if it is too large. In the App Settings you can set how wide the ticker displays on your bar, the number of entries to display, window open options for when an entry is clicked, and the loading text. You can install up to 3 RSS Tickers on your bar.
Alert your website visitors when there is something new to tell them. The Announcements app allows you to add announcement notices that display automatically 1 time per person when something new is posted.
The Comments app is very customizable and takes advantage of our integrated membership system. Control whether visitors or only members can comment, select the number of comments per page, and more! It also has a comment liking feature so people reading a comment can like it.
Scroll to Top
Scroll to Top is a simple app which adds a button for users to quickly scroll to the top of your page.
Pinterest Pin It Button
Let people share pin images from your site on Pinterest.com Like other sharing services, the more your users share, the more links will be coming back to your site.
The Search app adds a universal search box to your Skysa bar. It allows you to add as many search providers as you want. By default it has presets for using Google search to search content on your site.
Get Twitter Connected on your website, post tweets directly from your web-page or blog. Features your Twitter feed, Conversation feed and Twitter Search.
YouTube Videos
The YouTube Videos app automatically grabs your newest videos from your YouTube Channel and displays them in a movable app box. It shows the video image, description, and title. Plus when a video is clicked it plays directly on your website!
Sharing Buttons
Skysa offers many apps specifically for sharing to a user’s favorite social networking site or service. These special apps include: Facebook Like Buttons, Share on Facebook with Counter, Google + Button, Twitter Tweet Button, Twitter Follow Button, Share on Twitter with Counter, Share on Digg with Counter and AddThis Share Button.
Custom App
The Custom App allows you to configure your own custom or third party widget/app for use in the bar. Copy and paste a Widget, HTML, Text or custom JavaScript. The custom app shows up in your bar just like other apps. When a user clicks on it, your custom code / widget will be rendered in a standard app window directly on the page.
Facebook Fan Page
This app displays information directly from your Facebook Page (Business, Brand, Cause, etc.). Add this App to bring your social spaces a little closer to home.
Map and Directions
The Map and Directions app allows users to see a map and get directions to an address of your choosing. The user can also print out the directions.
Navigation Menu
The Navigation Menu app adds a pop-up navigation menu to your website. Create links to sites you love, other pages on your site, or blog RSS feeds.
Quick Links
Offer quick launch links on your bar. The Quick Links app features daily click tracking and launches a link while keeping a bar at the top for quick navigation back to your website.
Premium Skysa Apps (Skysa.com Premium Service from $4.95/mo)
Live Support Chat
With the Live Support Chat app, you can engage directly with your members and visitors and be available for them to contact you in real-time. Not only is it a simple and elegant solution for your visitors, it was also built from the ground up with operator and site owner’s experiences in mind. We have found that these experiences are often lacking in this type of service and set out to make sure that was not the case with ours. You will find that the Live Support Chat operator interface has the powerful features you want; all designed in a way to make them easy and intuitive to use without consulting a help or how-to guide.
Chat Room
This Chat Room App is launch-able chat room and takes advantage of our integrated member system. The Chat Room features a list of people currently in the room with a counter in the bar that displays the number of people in chat. Additionally the room supports video chat, document sharing, shared whiteboard, message formatting and more.
Instant Messaging
The Instant Messenging app displays a list of people online so your members can Instant Message each other. Features include: auto linking, inline images displayed for image URLs, inline video display for YouTube video URLs, navigate to the same page as the person you are chatting with, typing indicator, video chat and collaboration. It is a great App to add a little more interaction to your website.
Voting Poll
The Voting Poll app allows your members to vote on hot topics that you create. Key features include poll history, poll closing after a specified date and auto pop up for new polls.
Chat Room app – Popped out in its own window with video turned on. The Skysa bar in compact mode, with the Comments app open and the main menu open. Who’s Online App showing clusters of users online on a worldmap. Translate app progress message which shows at the start and finish of translating the page. Instant Message App with the top menu opened. Skysa Bar managmenet interface. Manage apps, changes settings and view stats on the app overview tab. Search app menu, allowing your users to choose between search providers you have setup. Some of the preset styles you can choose for the Skysa App Bar. All preset styles can be fully customized.
There are two ways to install the Skysa App Bar Integration plugin outlined below. The first way is the simplest for new WordPress users.
Option 1 – Using Your WordPress Admin Area for Installing (recomended)
- Go to the admin area of your WordPress site and select ‘Add new’ under the ‘Plugins’ menu
- Search for ‘Skysa’
- Select the install option for the ‘Skysa App Bar Integration’ plugin
- Activate the ‘Skysa App Bar Integration’ plugin on your ‘Installed Plugins’ page.
- Click on the ‘Skysa App Bar’ menu in your admin area and enter your App Bar ID (which you will get when you register and create a bar on Skysa.com).
Option 2 – Downloading from the WordPress Website (advanced)
- Upload the entire
folder to your/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Register on skysa.com to create a Skysa App Bar and get an App Bar ID.
- In your WordPress admin site, go to the ‘Plugins’ page.
- Activate the ‘Skysa App Bar Integration’ plugin on your ‘Installed Plugins’ page.
- Click on ‘Skysa App Bar’ menu in your admin area and enter your App Bar ID.
Multisite Network Info
As of version 1.70 the Skysa App Bar plugin supports additional functionality for WordPress Multisite installations. If you choose to do a Network Activate of the Skysa App Bar plugin, the Skysa App Bar menu will be available in your Network Admin section. From there you can choose to allow each site in your multisite network to configure its own Skysa Bar settings, with a unique Skysa Bar for each site. Alternatively, you can disable individual configuration and set all the settings globally instead. If you set the settings globally for your entire network, the same Skysa Bar will appear on all sites in your network.
- Can the Skysa App Bar be set to only show for logged-in members?
Yes. That option is available starting in version 1.15 of the Skysa App Bar Integration WordPress plugin.
- Insured support for WordPress 4.0
- Bar ID Verification now goes through SSL when needed to make sure all browsers allow it to function properly.
- Full Support for WordPress 3.6
- New visibility options, allowing exact control of who on your site can see your Skysa Bar based on their role level.
- Tested With WordPress 3.5.2
- Support for WordPress 3.5.1 Added.
- Smarter avatar detection and processing in member integration, optomizing HTML output and providing greater compatibility.
- Changed the plugin name and description for more clarification as to its functionality
- Multisite Network Integration
- Compatibility improvements in function naming, in order to prevent potential conflicts with other plugins.
- Added the option to use unique usernames instead of user’s display names to help in insances where there are multiple similar display names causing confusion for your site members
- Compatibility with new SSL Page Support on Pro Plans
- Support for WordPress 3.4 Added.
- Added a convenience sub-menu to edit your bar Apps and Settings directly from your WordPress admin area. The sub-menu is enabled after you add a valid Bar ID to your Skysa App Bar configuration.
- Corrected style issues in older versions of WordPress administration.
- Added support for the WP Mingle plugin profiles. If you use Mingle, the Instant Message app should now link to member profiles correctly.
- Added support for Friends IM with BuddyPress!!!
- Bug Fixes – Corrected a bug that caused settings not to save correctly in some instances.
- Added the option to enable/disable member integration with WordPress/BuddyPress. This allows you to use a different supported member system for social Skysa apps. (e.g. Skysa Integrated Membership or Facebook Connect)
- Change the style of the configuration page to a more user-friendly grouping of the settings.
- Added support for more avatar configurations, including BuddyPress avatars.
- Corrected a rare issue where the Skysa App Bar would load in the admin area in some configurations.
- Prevented the Skysa App Bar from loading on the wp-login.php and wp-register.php pages for improved usability.
- Fixed a bug which caused the Skysa bar not to draw in some themes.
- Added instant validation for your App Bar ID on the Skysa App Bar settings page.
- Settings page styling improvements.
- A basic version of the Skysa App Bar, with a few pre-installed apps, will now display without an Bar ID entered.
- Adjusted notification text for clarification.
- Added an info tip next to the Bar ID field, if the ID has not yet been entered, to provide more information.
- Added a help link to the app settings page for quick access to the Skysa support area.
- Removed the redundant Bar Enabled option, since disabling can be done in your plugins page.
- Gave the plugin its own menu instead of being in a sub-menu.
- Added an admin notice to make the requirment of adding an App Bar ID more clear.
- Verified and extended compatibility up to WordPress version 3.3.1
- Simplified wording in the plugin title and configuration link label.
- Added the option to hide the Skysa bar for logged-out users.
- Added the option to change the login page a logged-out user will be directed to if they try to access an app which requires login. By default it is set to /wp-login.php, but you may wish to change it based on your site configuration.
- Added support for blank profile image strings which can happen in some configurations when the user is logged out.
- Updated plugin text for improved clarity.
- Settings page now checks that a valid Skysa Bar ID was submitted before saving changes. If an invalid ID is submitted it will provide feedback stating that.
- Corrected a potential security issue.
- Updated links inside plugin to correspond to the new Skysa.com website.
- Added support for BuddyPress profile URLs.
- Changed the login page the bar points to, to fall in line with WordPress standard installations and not require a redirect.
- Updated installation instructions.
- Initial Release