Sidebar for WPBakery


This simple plugin adds a navigation bar and panels as a sidebar in the WPBakery Page Builder.

If you want to keep your content visible at all times without constantly dragging or resizing panels, while still having quick access to them, this plugin is perfect for you.

It makes navigating the WPBakery Page Builder’s Frontend Editor effortless. The navigation bar and panels appear as a sidebar on the left side of the screen, enhancing usability and efficiency.


  • Sidebar UI improvement
  • Editor Navbar
  • Add Element panel
  • Edit Form panel
  • Page Settings panel


  1. Upload the plugin folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ folder.
  2. Go to the Plugins page and activate the plugin.


How do I use this plugin?

To use the plugin, you just need to activate it. And edit any post/page with the WPBakery Page Builder.

Where do I see the sidebar?

The navigation bar will be displayed as a sidebar on the left side of the screen in the WPBakery Page Builder’s Frontend Editor.

How do I disable the sidebar?

To disable the sidebar in WPBakery, just deactivate the plugin via the Plugins page in the WordPress dashboard.


2025 年 1 月 29 日 1 則留言
Simple and effective. The sidebar is a great addition, making it easier to see options and work more efficiently.
閱讀全部 2 則使用者評論


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  • Update: Added active state for the icons in the navigation bar.
  • Fix: Fixed the issue with editable area view when Page Settings panel being initially opened.


  • Plugin released.