Show Fit File


Show Fit File is a sports & fitness oriented plugin that allows you to add a map and summary exercise data from a fit, gpx or tcx file. The maps are generated using leafletJS with the map tiles provided by OpenStreetMap.

These files are produced by fitness, running and cycling computers, such as Garmin, Polar, Suunto, Wahoo and Hammerhead devices. The files can usually be downloaded either directly from the device, or via the manufacturer’s portal.

Both a Gutenberg Block and Shortcode (.fit files only) versions are present in this plugin.



Add the Show Fit File block to your post

Click on the blue button below the map to upload your .fit , .gpx or .tcx file. After a couple of seconds, your file will then be displayed.

An altitude profile graph will be displayed under the map. This can be hidden using the block controls in the side bar.


Upload the .fit file to your Media Library, then simply create a map from the file by adding the following ShortCode to your post:

[showfitfile file=””]

To change the units to Imperial (default is metric):

[showfitfile file=”” units = “imperial”]

To change the route colour (default is ‘Red’):

[showfitfile file=”” colour = “blue”]

To allow scrolling and zooming of the map (default is ‘no’)

[showfitfile file=”” interactive = “yes”]


The icon uses Map by Atif Arshad from the Noun Project


  • Plugin Showing Map and Altitude Graph


這個外掛提供 1 個可供 Gutenberg/區塊編輯器使用的區塊。

  • Show Fit File Display .fit, .gpx and .tcx file data on a map.


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Upload complete ‘showfitfile’ folder to /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Upload a .fit file to your Media Library
  4. Add the ShortCode or Block to your post
  5. Done!


What’s the difference between moving time & duration?

Moving time is the time you actually spent moving during your session, while duration is the time from the start to the finish, including any stops or pauses. If you stop to take a photo or for a quick coffee, that time won’t be included in moving time.

It’s worth noting that, depending on the setup of your device, you may not see much difference between Moving Time and Duration, particularly if your device is set to auto-pause.


2023 年 10 月 31 日
Simple to use plugin, works really well with FIT, TCX and GPX files. The author responds fairly quickly to questions.
閱讀全部 3 則使用者評論


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〈Show Fit File〉外掛目前已有 2 個本地化語言版本。 感謝全部譯者為這個外掛做出的貢獻。

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  • Fixed crash in Shortcode if a file has no GPS data


  • Fixed bug where altitude graph may not appear


  • Now uses Garmin’s .fit importer
  • Performance improvements


  • Can now show lap positions from .fit files
  • Improved position tracking from altitude graph


  • Fix for WordPress 6.2


  • Fixed issued reading gpx files that don’t have a timestamp in the elements


  • Fixed bug introduced in 1.1.2 that included empty Lat/Long elements in .fit file decoding


  • Position on map now correctly tracks mouse location on altitude graph
  • Improved layout of Session Summary details table for ShortCode


  • Map no longer redraws when post text is edited
  • Ascent & Descent values are no longer lost when post is edited


  • Can now display .gpx & .tcx files for block
  • Adds Altitude graph for block
  • Adds gesture scroll in block editor
  • Shows ascent & descent in table about the map
  • Has option of show either moving time or elapsed time
  • Other bug fixes


  • Introduces ShowFitFile Block
  • Adds gesture scroll to Shortcode version