Shipping-Based Products for woocommerce and Ali2Woo


Products imported from Aliexpress each have a shipping method list corresponding to the country of delivery.

But what if the delivery country of the customer does not have shipping methods?

This plugin allows you to display a personalized message instead of the “add to cart” when the current product does not have shipping methods.

Types of products supported

  • Simple products
  • Variable products
  • Grouped products
  • External products

Requirements for the plugin to work

  • WooCommerce at least 3.7.0
  • Ali2woo at least : 1.8.6


  • Settings
  • Single product page


  1. Download the plugin & install it to your wp-content/plugins folder (or use the Plugins menu through the WordPress Administration section)
  2. Activate the plugin
  3. Navigate to ** Ali2woo > Shipment-based products.
  4. Customise your labels.
  5. Save and enjoy!


2020 年 7 月 3 日 1 則留言
Hello , Your plugin seems useful. But, I see it is limited to the Ali2Woo Plugin, in my opinion, you can add more support for other Droppshiping Plugins. good luck
閱讀全部 1 則使用者評論


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  • first release