這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

SEO Data Transporter


這個外掛能讓網站管理員將某個佈景主題/外掛的 SEO 資料移轉至另一個程式。開發團隊了解切換佈景主題或處理外掛資料的困難度,而佈景主題及外掛以不同方式儲存 SEO 資料會讓資料移轉更顯困難。這個外掛可以解決這些問題。

只要選取要移轉資料的來源項目及目標項目即可。點擊 [分析] 便會顯示相容的記錄及元素,然後點擊 [轉換] 便能進行資料轉換。

* Builder
* Catalyst
* Frugal
* Genesis
* Headway
* Hybrid
* Thesis 1.x
* WooFramework

* Add Meta Tags
* All in One SEO Pack
* Greg’s High Performance SEO
* Headspace2
* Infinite SEO
* Jetpack Advanced SEO
* Meta SEO Pack
* Platinum SEO
* Praison SEO
* SEO Title Tag
* SEO Ultimate
* The SEO Framework
* Yoast SEO


  • SEO Data Transporter 的使用者介面在下拉式選單中列出全部支援轉換的項目


  1. 將外掛安裝套件解壓縮所得的 seo-data-transporter 資料夾上傳至網站的 /wp-content/plugins/ 目錄。
  2. 不要變更 seo-data-transporter 資料夾的名稱。
  3. 在 WordPress 管理後台的 [外掛] 選單中啟用外掛。
  4. 前往 [工具]→[轉換 SEO 資料]。


這個外掛不支援網站目前使用 (或計畫採用) 的外掛或佈景主題,請問是否有納入外掛支援的機會?


這個外掛穩定度好嗎?因為網站無法承受失去全部 SEO 的風險。

這個外掛相對穩定。它從 2010 年 8 月發佈以來,沒有人像我們報告過資料遺失的問題。不過,也請永遠在網站進行資料變更前進行備份,以確保萬無一失。


2023 年 5 月 6 日
This excellent plugin is a must-have for anyone working with older or legacy sites. It expertly corrects decisions made years ago, saving you hours of research and development in moving to a newer SEO plugin.
2022 年 11 月 12 日
Due to depreciating PHP from my host I tried to use this plug in to migrate from SEO Ultimate to pretty much any recently updated SEO plugin alternative. Be warned that this plug in doesn’t copy the meta tags, meta description etc it migrates them so deletes them from the original SEO plugin. I cannot find a way to copy (or even move!) the SEO Ultimate meta description to any other plug in and once you have copied from one to another you can’t repeat the process with another alternative plug in as it has deleted (vs copied) the original. Horrendous. I have had to use my backups to restore the site and tried three different major SEO plug ins all with the same result. I’m now left with odd duplicates in my Wordpress posts including Disqus comments. Do not touch this plug in if you are trying to migrate from SEO Ultimate. Be sure to back up your site before starting, you will likely need to restore it!
2020 年 12 月 18 日
Add Meta Tags to Yoast was successfull. Thank you, you saved me from many hours of manual work !
2017 年 10 月 26 日
Works great! Thanks for this plugin, saved me a lot of time.
閱讀全部 31 則使用者評論


以下人員參與了開源軟體〈SEO Data Transporter〉的開發相關工作。


〈SEO Data Transporter〉外掛目前已有 4 個本地化語言版本。 感謝全部譯者為這個外掛做出的貢獻。

將〈SEO Data Transporter〉外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版


任何人均可瀏覽程式碼、查看 SVN 存放庫,或透過 RSS 訂閱開發記錄



  • Conform to WordPress Development Standards for PHP


  • Add support for Praison SEO
  • Add support for The SEO Framework
  • Fix typo on dropdown label


  • Rewrite plugin based on new boilerplate
  • Add support for Jetpack Advanced SEO
  • Change “WordPress SEO” to “Yoast SEO”
  • Fix “Add Meta Tags” custom field keys


  • Remove support for Thesis 2.x
  • Add hooks


  • Added support for SEO Title Tag


  • Added support for Thesis 2.x


  • Added support for Add Meta Tags and Infinite SEO.


  • Added support for Greg’s High Performance SEO, Meta SEO Pack, and Yoast’s meta keywords. Also, added some sanitization and addressed some notices.


  • Added support for the Catalyst theme, and the SEO Ultimate plugin


  • Fixed bug with Yoast’s WordPress SEO fields


  • Added support for new WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast
  • Fixed entries for Headspace2 plugin


  • split the platform array into themes and plugins.
  • added <optgroup></optgroup> wrappers in the <select> dropdowns


  • minor fixes


  • Initial Release