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Quote Calculator Constructor


This plugin allow you to create WordPress quote system, loan calculators and other quotation and calculation systems.
Plugin have easy to use interface that will allow you to make calculation systems with few clicks.

WordPress plugin, that allow you to create instant quote calculator forms can be used in any niche of Web business.

So basicaly editor of Quote Form consists of rows, each row have columns, and inside each column you can add different blocks that perform data manipulations.

SO main types of datablocks are:
Text – this block can be used to output text data. Like some info text for user.
Input – input field with some info. Here user can enter some numerical value that will be used for calculations.
Select – list of predefined values, that can be used in calculations.
Output – this block is used to output calculation results. In this block you can enter formulas, using values for input fields and select fields.

You can see live example of calculator http://voodoopress.net/dummy-calculator/

New feature!

Version 1.2 have new feature – dynamica calculations functionality. Now you can add calculations to any forms you made. No need to use default forms editor. To use this feature you need to have pretty little CSS/HTML knowledge. SO you can apply calculations e.g. to mega popular plugin Contact Form 7.

Here http://voodoopress.net/cleaning-request/ you can find example of usage. You can find more detailed instruction for integration in FAQ and example of settings below form on this page http://voodoopress.net/cleaning-request/


  • Backend form editor
  • Front view of form


Installation is pretty simple:
1. Upload plugin
2. Activate plugin
3. Find new menu “Calculators”
4. Create calculators with Constructor interface
5. Use calculator shortcode to put it on pages.


How to put calculator on page?

To put calculator on page you can use shortcode [custom_calculator id=’CALC_ID’]

What is correct way to make formulas?

Each field have ID inside. It is autogenerated on creation, but you can set any ID you like. Main thin – it should be no space lowercase string.
So e.g. if you have input field with ID: main_value. And have select with ID: select_value. Then in output block you can enter formula main_value+select_value to output summ of those values. Pretty easy.

How to apply calculation to custom form?

To apply calculations to forms you need to have – input blocks – like text input fields.
And output block – it should be any html tag like div or span.

So for all fields that you need take data from you need to set ID attribute.

For output block – you neeв to add there class output_container. SO script will know that you want to output data in this block and add there attribute data-formula with calculations inside.
So e.g. you have input with id=”input_1″ and input with id=”input_2″. And you need to output summ of those values – you need to set data-formula to data-formula=”input_1+input_2″

Thats all. You can see example with source of form here http://voodoopress.net/cleaning-request/

To put calculator on page you can use shortcode [custom_calculator id=’CALC_ID’]


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V 1.2 Custom forms functionality