Improve conversions on your website by as much as 60% with an easy one click call back solution. Get into call with a visitor in under 7 seconds.
It takes only a few minutes to set up the Call me back widget and post it on your site, you don’t need any technical skills or knowledge
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How does Call me back widget work?
- Sign Up for a Free Trial to establish an account in callmebackwidget.com.
- Upload this plugin to the
directory. - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
- Site visitors can click on the widget icon to contact you directly.
- Customer clicks on the callmeback widget and enters his phone number.
- The script automatically calls you and the customer simultaneously.
- Callmeback unites 2 outgoing calls into a single conversation.
- The conversation is recorded, and you receive a report via e-mail.
CallMeBackWidget features
- Call back in less than 7 seconds!
- “Out of office” mode
- Business hours settings
- Detailed reports and statistics
- Support Local and International calls
- Worldwide connection
- Your own phone number as a Caller ID
- Awesome support
- Create a Free account in callmebackwidget.com
- Upload your plugin folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins’ directory.
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
- Delete Cache and Minified CSS/JS, If CallMeBackWidget button doesn’t show up on your website. How to Clear Your Cache in WordPress.
- Which companies are best suited for CallMeBackWidget?
The CallMeBackWidget can be used by any sized company that has a website or landing page and can also receive phone calls. Ex. Online business, various services, insurance, banking, real estate, etc.
- How does CallMeBackWidget increase the conversion rate of the website?
Phone Calls are Better than an Online Forms. Visitors are more likely to leave contact information if they know they will get faster support.
- First release