Quform WPML


With this add-on, a form can be translated into multiple languages using WPML. Gone are the days of having duplicate forms for each language!


Translate unlimited forms into other languages through WPML.

Deep integration

All user-facing strings are fully translatable, including all form settings, fields settings and validation error messages. Emails sent to users can also be translated, along with the confirmation (success) message shown after the form is submitted.

Advanced WPML compatibility

Compatible with both the String Translation workflow, and the Advanced Translation Editor.

Datepicker/timepicker support

Automatically converts the locale of the datepickers and timepickers into the current WPML language. The dates and times will be automatically formatted according to regional standards.

Note: this plugin is a free add-on for the Quform Premium WordPress Form Builder plugin. For this plugin to function, Quform version 2.16.0 or later, WPML version 3.2 or later, and the WPML String Translation plugin must be installed.


Upload the Quform WPML plugin to your site and activate it.

For full instructions please see our WPML guide.


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〈Quform WPML〉外掛目前已有 1 個本地化語言版本。 感謝全部譯者為這個外掛做出的貢獻。

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  • Fixed page labels not translatable


  • Initial release