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ProGrids Widget Plugin


ProGrids displays relevant products from Top Brand Merchants and Advertisers related to the current post, introducing your readers to the best deals and products from popular stores.

ProGrids Basic Features:

  • The ProGrids widget integrates thumbnails of related products into your posts and immediately starts earning you commission with every click on a ProGrids product. You can earn the highest paying CPCs in the industry immediately after installing and activating the ProGrids Widget Plugin.

  • Considering the post titles, content, tags, categories, and custom taxonomies of your site, ProGrids finds products related to your posts from the merchant product catalogs that we work with.

  • ProGrids.com offers detailed reporting on your widget earnings, impressions, clicks/conversions, and more.

  • Just copy and paste a one-time installation code and start earning commission on every click!


  • ProGrids widget example
  • ProGrids widget example on your blog!
  • Another ProGrids widget example on your blog!


  1. Install ProGrids by either through your Admin Dashboard (Plugins -> Add New) or by downloading the files here and uploading to your server
  2. If you haven’t created a ProGrids Account yet, click here to register.
  3. Create a widget on ProGrids.com and copy the installation code there to the “Installation Code” field on the ProGrids settings page in your WordPress admin dashboard. Finish by clicking “Save”.
  4. If you use any caching plugin, please clear the cache.
  5. Done!
  6. Your ProGrids widget is now live on your website, and you are earning commissions on every click!




以下人員參與了開源軟體〈ProGrids Widget Plugin〉的開發相關工作。


將〈ProGrids Widget Plugin〉外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版


任何人均可瀏覽程式碼、查看 SVN 存放庫,或透過 RSS 訂閱開發記錄



  • Fixed PHP Warning


  • Now user enters installation code, instead of logging in.
  • Removed reporting.
  • Removed ad rotation.


  • Fixed an issue some users experienced with “invalid header”


  • Reworked logging system to now use new API key


  • Fix for a PHP warning affecting some users


  • Added widget reporting
  • Added widget preview in the context of a real blog post
  • Added an ad rotation feature for comparing your ads with ProGrids ads


  • Simple plugin to select a widget from your ProGrids.com account for display on your blog posts.