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Primal for WordPress


Want to engage your readership on a whole new level? Provide highly relevant news, videos and information from across the web, tailored specifically to your individual interests.

Primal for WordPress uses a patented artificial intelligence to deliver highly relevant and up-to-date information to your readers, tailored to each page you create.

Working directly with Primal’s APIs, the plugin automatically builds rich interest graphs around your pages, filtering news and information from across the web. Contextual links to matching related content are displayed to your visitors, embedded alongside your posts and pages.

Features and Differences

Primal for WordPress delivers news and information from across the web, tailored to each individual page on your site. Primal increases user engagement with real-time, contextually relevant recommendations.

  • Content your readers care about: Primal matches its content recommendations to the specific subject matter of each individual WordPress page or post.
  • Ease of use: Primal is an intelligent assistant. It automatically learns your interests from the subject matter of the pages you create.
  • Real-time content delivery: Primal’s recommendations are fresh and current. They’re generated in real-time using frequently updated content sources.
  • Learning: Primal learns the interests of your audience based on their clicks, becoming evermore relevant and engaging over time.

Check out a working version of the plugin installed on our very own Primal blog and see how we’re increasing the value of our content.

If you’re interested in learning more, we have a new feature in the works, where Primal will promote the content from your website or blog. Please contact us if you’d like to learn more.


We value your suggestions. Please send feedback to support@primal.com so that we can continue to develop this plugin and improve your WordPress experience!


  • Select your preferences for your Primal content recommendations. Select “Automatically add after each post” to include Primal on every post you create.
  • Optionally, you can use the Primal for WordPress widget to place your Primal content recommendations within specific templates.
  • Primal for WordPress installed on a WordPress blog. Note that the content returned is tailored to the subject matter of the post.


  1. Download the plugin through the WordPress Plugin Directory or through the Plugins section of your WordPress Admin area. (Search for “Primal”.)
  2. Activate the plugin.
  3. Go to the “Primal” settings screen, under Settings. Ensure that “Enable external links” is checked.
  4. You can choose the color of the links in each content item by updating the Highlight color.
  5. To include related content for every post (recommended), select “Automatically add after each post”
  6. Alternatively, you can choose where you’d like Primal’s related content items to appear using widgets. From the WordPress admin page, select Appearance -> Widgets, and drag the Primal for WordPress widget into the template area of your blog.


Installation Instructions
  1. Download the plugin through the WordPress Plugin Directory or through the Plugins section of your WordPress Admin area. (Search for “Primal”.)
  2. Activate the plugin.
  3. Go to the “Primal” settings screen, under Settings. Ensure that “Enable external links” is checked.
  4. You can choose the color of the links in each content item by updating the Highlight color.
  5. To include related content for every post (recommended), select “Automatically add after each post”
  6. Alternatively, you can choose where you’d like Primal’s related content items to appear using widgets. From the WordPress admin page, select Appearance -> Widgets, and drag the Primal for WordPress widget into the template area of your blog.
What is Primal?

Primal is a network of personal intelligent assistants for content discovery. Primal is powered by a patented artificial intelligence that learns the interests of your audience and brings the right content from across the web. Primal generates interest graphs that are used to filter trusted sources of content based on the specific topics you care about. Primal looks out for your interests across the web and social media, and delivers you the information you need, wherever and whenever you need it.

How does it work?

Primal’s API generates interest graphs and recommends related content. The Primal for WordPress plugin displays these content recommendations on your site.

Can I add my own content sources?

Primal for WordPress is an open source plugin and Primal works with all content types from around the Web. If you’d like to modify your plugin to include a specific content type, contact support@primal.com to request help or suggest features you’d like to see in the next version.

Will Primal for WordPress work with blog content that was posted prior to the installation of the plugin?

Yes! Primal for WordPress analyzes your content on-the-fly. The plugin works with any content on your blog, whether it was added before or after installation of the Primal plugin.




以下人員參與了開源軟體〈Primal for WordPress〉的開發相關工作。


將〈Primal for WordPress〉外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版


任何人均可瀏覽程式碼、查看 SVN 存放庫,或透過 RSS 訂閱開發記錄



  • Fix version management of plugin.


  • General Primal backend improvements.


  • Fixed a number of broken links for static resources.


  • Fixed issue with the main primal.com link pointing to the wrong resource.


  • Added the ability to automatically acquire the interests expressed in each page.
  • Removed support for tags, since this information is now acquired automatically.
  • New responsive layouts.


  • Added auto-creation of Primal Account to simplify the deployment of the plugin.
  • Fixed the Change Credentials button not working on Windows environments.


  • Fixed Plugin does not have a valid header activation error
  • Fixed Configuration Error: “Fatal error: Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed” for PHP 5.4 and above
  • Plugin will no longer use categories in the definition of the Primal concept URI
  • Removed redundant POST calls to Primal
  • Protected against invalid HTML inside News descriptions
  • Simplified the registration process