Plugins Garbage Collector 外掛能掃描網站資料庫,並顯示 WordPress 核心程式未使用的資料表,因為某些外掛會自行建立及使用專屬資料表。
透過 Plugins Garbage Collector 外掛的協助,網站管理員可以檢查網站資料庫是否仍有這類無用的殘留資料表。
這個外掛同時也能顯示 WordPress 核心程式使用的資料表是否有附加資料行。
如需進一步了解 Plugins Garbage Collector 外掛,請造訪 shinephp.com。
- 如果網站已安裝舊版外掛,請先停用外掛。
- 將解壓縮
目錄。 - 在 WordPress 管理後台的 [外掛] 頁面啟用 Plugins Garbage Collector。
- 前往 [工具]→[Plugins Garbage Collector],然後掃描 WordPress 的網站資料庫,便能找出哪些是已移除外掛遺留未清除的資料表。
2024 年 8 月 8 日
It showed all the tables for inactive plugins. I was bit afraid but it safely removed the unused data. Good one.
2024 年 2 月 14 日
Love this plugin. Does what it says. Detects unused tables from deleted plugins and allows to delete them.
If some tables with same prefix are not selectable you can use other database management software like phpmyadmin to delete them.
Also be careful and always double check before deleting database tables.
2023 年 2 月 9 日
2023 年 1 月 25 日
Thanks for a really nice plugin. I’ve used it on dozens of websites and it it works flawless.
Here are a few suggestions for UX improvements that would make it five stars:
Add a “Delete all unsused tables” button as a shortcut
Make it possible to sort the rows by clicking “Table name”, “Records”, “KBytes” and “Plugin name”
Display a summary of the amount of saved KBs after deleting unused tables.
Keep upp the good work!
2022 年 11 月 24 日
This plugin is extremely simple to use and does exactly what it is supposed to do. I love being able to delete tables full of items left over from long removed plugins, making the database more compact and therefore speeding up the site.
2022 年 7 月 18 日
The plugin will still show you what tables are either not in use or for a plugin that is not activated.
Always do a full backup of your table prior to using this or any db plugin. I find the Duplicator plugin is a great way to backup databases and highly recommend that plugin – its free for databases and it will depend on your host configuration as to how large a site you can fully backup using it without needing the pro version. On my webhost 247wphosting.com I can use free duplicator even though my site is 2gb in size due to the images and large amount of content.
When you checkmark a table now it hides it auto, and you have to rescan to see that it is checkmarked.
Then if you hit the removal button at the bottom, you will go through some prompts and eventually it will perform the removal action and if you rescan it will no longer show the table.
But if you go into mysql subsequently the tables are still there.
So I think the author has an issue.
So in summary the analysis of the database still works but the removal function does not work correctly, in my experience.
0.14 [03.04.2022]
- Update: “Known plugins” JSON data files were moved from Amazon Web Services S3 to Yandex Cloud Object Storage.
- Update: “Delete Tables” button label was replaced with “Delete Selected Tables”.
- Update: Additional confirmation request was added before database tables deletion. It contains the list of tables selected for deletion.
Read changelog.txt for the full list of changes.