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PJW Page Excerpt


This plugin allows you to specify a specifc excerpt for WordPress pages.

The plugin adds an extra box to the set an Optional Excerpt for a WordPress page similar to the box which is available for posts. The box is aded using the dbx_page_advanced hook for versions of WordPress earlier than 2.5 and using add_meta_box() for WordPress 2.5 and later.


  1. Upload to your plugins folder, usually wp-content/plugins/
  2. Activate the plugin on the plugin screen.
  3. Write Page excerpts as you would for posts.
  4. Use the_excerpt() template tag in your theme to display excerpts for pages.


Why would I use this plugin

If you want to add a hierarchical set of pages to your site you will probably want control over the excerpt used when displaying a menu list of pages.
A good system can be achived in conjustion with my PJW Query Child Of plugin (https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/pjw-query-child-of/) which helps you build post queries to select children of a specific page.




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