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PHOTOPRESS is an integrated suite of image management and gallery presentation features that photographers can use to build photography centric websites. The plugin allows you to create beautiful designed image galleries as well as extract, store and publish any EXIF/IPTC/XMP meta-data embedded in your images.

The broader goal of PHOTOPRESS is to make WordPress easy to use for photographers by bringing critical image management and presentation features together into a single, modern, and free plugin. Features currently include:


  • Native Gutenberg live editing
  • Grid style
  • Masonry style
  • Justified style
  • Mosaic Style
  • Adjustable gutter spacing
  • Uniform image cropping option
  • Hide captions option
  • Adjustable image heights/column widths
  • Inline image reordering
  • Dynamic responsive images
  • Link to PhotoPress slideshow


  • Dynamic Gutenberg block
  • Create a gallery of child pages (useful as an index of gallery pages)


  • Define unlimited custom image taxonomies
  • Extract embedded EXIF, IPTC, and XMP meta-data from image files and store in taxonomies
  • Create and extract “child taxonomies” from embedded meta-data fields
  • Display Exif Widget
  • Display Image Taxonomy Terms Widget
  • Generate custom image ALT text using meta-data templates
  • Embed Licensing info (Licensor, Licensor URL, Web Statement of Rights) into images files during upload


  • Light-boxed full page slideshows
  • Thumbnail navigation option
  • configurable caption display (can use image title, caption, and/or description)
  • Two caption layouts to choose from


Our development motto is “do no harm” which means that we leverage the patterns outlined in WordPress Core and the Gutenberg editor as opposed to creating proprietary features that impede the overall usability of WordPress.

PHOTOPRESS is actively developed on Github. Please file any bugs, feature, or support requests on Github!

Donate or Purchase Premium Support!

PHOTOPRESS core is free. However, we ask that you purchase a support membership. Even if you don’t need the support, this purchase helps fund the development of this project. Donations to the project are also appreciated.


  • Customizable Gallery Block with multiple styles
  • Full-screen Slideshows with customizable caption placement
  • Store embedded image meta-data into custom image taxonomies
  • Generate image ALT text with meta-data templates
  • Embed Licensing meta-data into uploaded images


這個外掛提供 2 個可供 Gutenberg/區塊編輯器使用的區塊。

  • PhotoPress
  • PhotoPress


2021 年 12 月 9 日 2 則留言
I tried this after reading Justin Tadlock’s review over at WP Tavern. On the plus side, it’s fast, with good options both in the main panel and within the block. Toggles are intuitive, and you can switch between the different gallery formats within the block itself (very useful). There’s a lot of potential here, but it still feels like a beta product, at least with my theme. One showstopper for me (and my theme) was the poor lightbox settings out of the box, with vertical images not fitting to screen, and horizontal images being displayed too small (strange, for such a photo-centric plugin). It might be usable with some themes, and for showcasing smaller images. Looking forward to trying this again in 6 months. EDIT Updated from 3 to 5 stars, as all the issues I experienced were down to my theme.
2017 年 11 月 8 日
… except adding its own admin menu page for downloading the other components! If there is one or several of the other extension(s) needed to get the image meta data, then this should be clearly pointed out.
閱讀全部 3 則使用者評論




〈PhotoPress〉外掛目前已有 1 個本地化語言版本。 感謝全部譯者為這個外掛做出的貢獻。



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