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Page Title Customizer for Twenty series


This plugin can customize each page and post “title” with css and html for Twenty Nineteen and the other Twenty series theme. It works on Gutenberg and Classic editor. Changable design to smartphone, tablet, and PC .

Screenshot 1. (“Posts” and “Pages” edit page)

You can use HTML to customize title.
Here is an example using <br> to the title.

Please select “Smartphone” or “PC and Tablet”
You may select both “Smartphone” and “PC and Tablet”.

There is “Title HTML2” so that you can add different HTML to “Smartphone” or “PC and Tablet”.

Screenshot 2. (“Posts” and “Pages” edit page)

You can use CSS to customize title.
Here is an example using “color:red” and “color:blue” to the title.

Please select “Smartphone” or “PC and Tablet”
You may select both “Smartphone” and “PC and Tablet”.

There is “Title CSS2” so that you can add different CSS to “Smartphone” or “PC and Tablet”.

Screenshot 3. ( “Page Title setting” Settings page)

You can use CSS for “all the title”.
It will add CSS to every page title.

There is “CSS all title2” so that you can add different CSS to “Smartphone” or “PC and Tablet”.

You can use CSS for “Category page and Archive page title”.
It will add CSS only to the category page and Archive page title.

There is “Category page and Archive page title2” so that you can add different CSS to “Smartphone” or “PC and Tablet”.

You can use CSS for “Post page title”.
It will add CSS only to the post page title.

There is “Post page title2” so that you can add different CSS to “Smartphone” or “PC and Tablet”.


  • “Posts” and “Pages” edit page
  • “Posts” and “Pages” edit page
  • “Page Title setting” Settings page


  1. Upload the “page-title-customizer” directory to /wp-content/plugins/.
    Generally, upload .zip folder to WordPress.

  2. Activate Page Title Customizer for Twenty series from “Plugin menu”.

  3. You can customize title from “Posts” and “Pages” custom field. Also, you can set options from “Page Title Setting”


Does it work on other themes other than Twenty series?

Some themes work, but not all. Please try and you’ll see if it works or not.

Does it work on Smartphone ,Tablet, and PC

Yes, you can choose by the select button to work on each device.
PC and tablet works the same.

Does it effect SEO?

There will be no effect on SEO.




以下人員參與了開源軟體〈Page Title Customizer for Twenty series〉的開發相關工作。


〈Page Title Customizer for Twenty series〉外掛目前已有 1 個本地化語言版本。 感謝全部譯者為這個外掛做出的貢獻。

將〈Page Title Customizer for Twenty series〉外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版


任何人均可瀏覽程式碼、查看 SVN 存放庫,或透過 RSS 訂閱開發記錄


1.0.0 – October 7, 2019
Initial release

1.0.1 – October 12, 2019
Bug fixed

1.0.2 – October 15, 2019
Expanation added

1.0.3 – October 27, 2019
language added

1.0.4 – October 27, 2019
language fixed

1.0.5 – October 27, 2019
language fixed

1.0.6 – October 27, 2019
header fixed

1.0.7 – November 18, 2019
WordPress 5.3 checked