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OxyGridLayout by OxyNinja


Simple grid layout for Oxygen Builder. Similar as you can find in Adobe XD/Sketch/Figma.


  1. Activate Oxygen Builder plugi
  2. Go to Plugins in the Admin menu
  3. Click on the button Add new
  4. Search for OxyGridLayout and click ‘Install Now’ or click on the upload link to upload oxy-grid-layout.zip
  5. Click on Activate plugin
  6. Go to Oxygen > OxyGridLayout
  7. Tweak your settings


Does it work for any other builder then Oxygen?


Where are the settings for the plugin?

Go to Oxygen > OxyGridLayout. There you can tweak your settings.


2021 年 7 月 8 日
I use Firefox and there was nothing out there to simulate the design grids you get in Figma or Sketch. This plugin is simple, does exactly what it says it does. Built by designers for designers. If you like consistency in your designs, you need this.
2021 年 5 月 19 日
Удобно и просто. Может не всем подойдет, но я сам пользую, когда переношу дизайн из Figma.
閱讀全部 4 則使用者評論


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1.0.2: May 26, 2021

  • [Fix] Uninstall Error on MultiSite WP

1.0.1: March 3, 2021

  • [Fix] z-index issue

1.0.0: February 28, 2021

  • Birthday of OxyGridLayout