這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

Official Wakanda Coin Payment Gateway for WooCommerce


You can also make payment in OWCC. The user needs to select payment currency from the dropdown.

The user will make a payment from its account in their selected currency. When you’re successfully make payment from their account user will have to click on verify payment button. Once the user clicks on verify payment button, API will check the transaction related to their amount.

If API gets the transaction amount it will return the transaction ID to user. Otherwise it will return transaction is unsuccessful.

A few notes about the sections above:

A brief Markdown Example

Install the plugin and activate it.
1. Go to plugin >> add new
2. After Activation of your plugin you can find your plugin in plugin list.
3. If your plugin activated successfully, Go to Woo Commerce >> Setting >> general. Here you can select currency of your plugin gateway.
4. Now go to Woo commerce >> Setting >> Payments. Here you can enable your plugin and click for manage the plugin configurations.
5. Below is screenshot of plugin configuration.
a. Here you can enable/disable the plugin.
b. You can change the title of plugin
c. You can also change the description of the plugin
d. You can update your OWCC address. By this address you are able to get the payment form website. So make sure the payment address should be correct, otherwise all payment will fail.
e. OWCC test mode is Optional. It will not reflect any changes.
6. FRONT END: Once you enable the plugin and configure plugin setting OWCC currency will show everywhere in your frontend.
Here I create a Woo commerce shop and create one product for testing. Below is the attached screenshot.
OWCC currency is showing here. Now you can add to cart this product.
7. Here I have added above product in add to cart and OWCC Currency is showing in add to cart page. Below I have attached screenshot.
Please click on proceed to checkout button.
8. Here is a checkout page. The OWCC payment gateway is ready for make payments. The currency is OWCC. You can check in the screenshot. Click on place to order button.
9. This is the page where we verify user payments. I have mentioned your payment address and convert


  • Payment Method in List
  • Payment Method Settings / Configurations* Screenshots will be added later.


How it works?

Install the plugin and activate it. Go to plugin >> add new
2) After Activation of your plugin you can find your plugin in plugin list.
3) If your plugin activated successfully, Go to Woo Commerce >> Setting >> general. Here you can select currency of your plugin gateway.
4) Now go to Woo commerce >> Setting >> Payments. Here you can enable your plugin and click for manage the plugin configurations.
5) Below is screenshot of plugin configuration.
a) Here you can enable/disable the plugin.
b) You can change the title of plugin
c) You can also change the description of the plugin
d) You can update your OWCC address. By this address you are able to get the payment form website. So make sure the payment address should be correct, otherwise all payment will fail.
e) OWCC test mode is Optional. It will not reflect any changes.
6) FRONT END: Once you enable the plugin and configure plugin setting OWCC currency will show everywhere in your frontend.
Here I create a Woo commerce shop and create one product for testing. Below is the attached screenshot.
OWCC currency is showing here. Now you can add to cart this product.
7) Here I have added above product in add to cart and OWCC Currency is showing in add to cart page. Below I have attached screenshot.
Please click on proceed to checkout button.
8) Here is a checkout page. The OWCC payment gateway is ready for make payments. The currency is OWCC. You can check in the screenshot. Click on place to order button.
9) This is the page where we verify user payments. I have mentioned your payment address and convert


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  • A change since the previous version.
  • Another change.