Outdooractive Embed


After installing the plugin, the button editor for the plugin will appear in the page editor of WordPress. Use it to add your Outdooractive content to your website.
For programmers: The plugin uses the shortcode oaembed. The only required parameter is url, all others are optional.

For example:

paste [oaembed url = "http://www.outdooractive.com/en/serviced-hut/graubuenden/tschiervahuette/15280962/"] into “text mode” of the editor and click Preview. Your embedded content will appear.

The following options are supported:
Maximum width
Specify a maximum pixel width for incorporating your content. The maximum width must not be less than 260 pixels.
Example: [oaembed url = "http://www.outdooractive.com/en/serviced-hut/graubuenden/tschiervahuette/15280962/" maxwidth = "400"]

Include content in the sidebar, footer, etc.

You can embed your content in sidebars and footers using WordPress widgets. For more information on WordPress widgets, visit: https://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_Widgets

Tip: white label embedding with Pro+

With Pro+ you have even better opportunities to integrate tours and interesting points on your website. [Learn more about Pro+] (https://www.outdooractive.com/en/pro-business.html)
To use Pro+ Embedding, follow the instructions on the settings page of the plugin (Settings Outdooractive Embed).

In the new Gutenberg Editor you can find a “Outdooractive Embed” block under the category “Embed”. It has the same options as mentioned above. Additionally it will show you a live preview in the editor.

Please note:

Only published Contents can be embeded


  • Embedded POI with Pro+
  • Embedded Tour with Pro+
  • Embedded POI with standard account
  • Embedded Tour with standard account
  • Live Preview in the Gutenberg Editor


這個外掛提供 1 個可供 Gutenberg/區塊編輯器使用的區塊。

  • Outdooractive Embed


To install the plugin, log in to your WordPress page. Go to plugins  install.
Search now for Outdooractive Embed and select it. There you can install the plugin.


Please visit our Help Center if you have questions: http://support.outdooractive.com/hc/


2020 年 11 月 9 日
It was impossible to let the plugin accept the by outdooractive generated code to have the plugin registered. (Kept saying I had to enter a valid code… The way I obtained the code was exactly as in the description.) But to make matters worse, after having tried a few times, my site couldn’t establish its database connection, and I had to manually remove the plugin from the server.
2018 年 2 月 14 日
Because of a link-failure and a JavaScript failure it slows down the buildup of a page. Hopefully developers will find the bug, already reported to the forum. Plugin looks fine and does what it should! Will be rated with 5 stars if bugs were done 😉
閱讀全部 3 則使用者評論


以下人員參與了開源軟體〈Outdooractive Embed〉的開發相關工作。


將〈Outdooractive Embed〉外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版


任何人均可瀏覽程式碼、查看 SVN 存放庫,或透過 RSS 訂閱開發記錄



  • fix user input sanitation


  • fix php warnings shown on websites with enabled warning output


  • adjust supported wordpress version
  • adjust some legal information
  • change changelog order


  • added Gutenberg support


  • removed parameters “displaymap”, “showheader” and “list” from shortcode
  • Now all kind of contents are using the same parameters
  • added Outdooractive Pro-Features


  • bugfix for lists


  • new shortcode “oaembed” to embed any kind of outdooractive content
  • if you already use the shortcodes or widgets “tour2go”, “list2go” or “hut2go”, please update them to “oaembed”. For lists you have to extend the shortcode with the parameter ‘list=”true”‘


  • Initial release