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My Snippets


The My Snippets plugin allows you to define custom widget content on a per-post basis from the edit post screen.

While the plugin is both simple and powerful, it’ll never replace such plugins as Widget Logic and Widget Context nor is that the plan. What it does is allow you to add custom widget content from the edit post screen without having to go to your Widgets screen in the admin for additional configuration.


  • Post-by-post (or any public post type) widget content that you control.
  • Extra widget for use on your site.
  • Easy-to-use snippets settings box on the post editor.
  • Supports HTML and shortcodes.

Professional Support

If you need professional plugin support from me, the plugin author, you can access the support forums at Theme Hybrid, which is a professional WordPress help/support site where I handle support for all my plugins and themes for a community of 70,000+ users (and growing).

Plugin Development

If you’re a theme author, plugin author, or just a code hobbyist, you can follow the development of this plugin on it’s GitHub repository.


Yes, I do accept donations. If you want to buy me a beer or whatever, you can do so from my donations page. I appreciate all donations, no matter the size. Further development of this plugin is not contingent on donations, but they are always a nice incentive.


  • My Snippets meta box on the edit post screen.
  • My Snippets widget on the widgets screen.


  1. Uzip the my-snippets.zip folder.
  2. Upload the my-snippets folder to your /wp-content/plugins directory.
  3. In your WordPress dashboard, head over to the Plugins section.
  4. Activate My Snippets.


Why was this plugin created?

I love plugins like Widget Context and Widget Logic, which allow you to add contextual widgets. But, the thing that those plugins don’t do is give you a way to add widget content without visiting the Widgets admin screen in WordPress.

I wanted a way to add a widget on a per-post basis when writing the post itself, so this plugin was born.

No, it’s not a replacement of the aforementioned plugins but, rather, a complementary plugin.

How do I use it?

First, you need to add the “My Snippets” widget to any sidebar on your site. It won’t appear on the front end just yet though.

Any time you write a post, you can add a custom snippet title and content in the “My Snippets” meta box. If you write something in the meta box, it will automatically be shown in place of the widget when viewing that post on your site. If nothing is written in the meta box, nothing will be shown for the post.

Does it work for other post types?

Yes, it works for all publicly-queryable post types. Basically, if your post type has its own “page” on the front end of the site, you can add custom snippet content.

What else do I need to know?

That’s pretty much it. This is an extremely simple plugin.




以下人員參與了開源軟體〈My Snippets〉的開發相關工作。


將〈My Snippets〉外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版


任何人均可瀏覽程式碼、查看 SVN 存放庫,或透過 RSS 訂閱開發記錄


Version 1.0.0

  • Recoded the plugin to utilize modern PHP techniques.
  • Upgraded the widget to make sure it plays nicely with PHP 7+.

Version 0.2.0

  • Rewrote the code base to bring everything up to current WordPress standards.
  • Added support for custom post types.

Version 0.1.0

  • Plugin launch. Everything’s new!