這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

Multiple Content Types


Multiple Content Types is an intuitive plugin for easily selecting which content types (custom post types) you want to display on your main blog and archive pages.


Using this plugin is simple:

  1. Install the plugin
  2. Activate the plugin
  3. In the WordPress admin, click on ‘Settings’
  4. Click on ‘Reading’ in the sub-menu.
  5. Look for the item labeled ‘Content types to show on the main blog and archive pages’.
  6. Use the checkboxes to select the content types you want to show on your main blog and archive pages.
  7. Click ‘Save Changes’.

Once you have completed the steps above, just visit your blog page to see the new content types!


Many sites have multiple content types and just displaying posts on your blog can be limiting. What if you wanted to feature other content types like ‘News’, ‘Announcements’, ‘Deals’, etc.? Well, now you can!


  • Provides the ability to show multiple content types on your main blog and archive pages.
  • A minimal, yet intuitive, user interface.
  • Clean, well written code that won’t bog down your site.


  • Location of the plugin settings.



If you don’t meet the below requirements, I highly recommend you upgrade your WordPress install or move to a web host that supports a more recent version of PHP.

  • Requires WordPress version 3.3 or greater.
  • Requires PHP version 5.2.4 or greater ( PHP version 5.2.4 is required to run WordPress version 3.2 )

Install via Search

  1. In your WordPress admin, go to ‘Plugins’ and then click on ‘Add New’.
  2. In the search box, type in ‘Multiple Content Types’ and hit enter. This plugin should be the first and likely the only result.
  3. Click on the ‘Install’ link.
  4. Once installed, click the ‘Activate this plugin’ link.

Install via Direct Download

  1. Download the .zip file containing the plugin.
  2. In the WordPress admin, click on ‘Plugins’ and then ‘Add New’
  3. On the resulting ‘Install Plugins’ page, find the ‘Upload’ link at the top and click on it.
  4. Click on the ‘Choose File’ button and point your machine to the .zip you initially downloaded.
  5. Click ‘Install Now’
  6. After the install is complete, click the ‘Activate Plugin’ link.


  • Currently, there are no known conflicts with other WordPress plugins. If you believe you’ve found one, please let us know on the support forum
  • The current version of this plugin is only compatible with WordPress 3.3 or greater.


Where are the plugin settings?

In the WordPress admin, click on ‘Settings’ and then select ‘Reading’ from the sub-menu. The plugin settings are in the field labeled: “Content types to show on the main blog and archive pages”.


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  • Initial public release