

這個外掛已於 2024 年 12 月 18 日關閉,且不提供下載。 這個外掛正在等候完整審閱,因此暫時關閉。


2024 年 3 月 10 日
This plug in has a lot of flexibility and is well documented. I have enjoyed the options available to use and it has worked well for us for quite some time. He also seems to keep the plugin updated and that helps.
2024 年 3 月 9 日
is an easy-to-use plugin and runs smoothly. I have been using it for four years and I have not had a single problem.
2023 年 9 月 24 日
Actually, only one of two plugins, the other one being the one from Taxopress. But this one is much more flexible. The well-documented shortcodes let you get really granular with the appearance and sorting behavior.
2023 年 6 月 6 日 1 則留言
It is really complicated and confusing to collect all the shortcodes and put them alltogether. It would be nice to have a kind of “generator” for such a long tail of possible shortcodes.
閱讀全部 61 則使用者評論


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