Mosne Dark Palette
This plugin provides the following features:
- A Gutenberg block for the navigation menu, serving as a dropdown switcher that enables you to select the desired color mode using custom labels.
- A color picker for seamlessly remapping your color palette.
Key Features
- Dark palette block for the block navigation menu
- Utilize all your custom colors and custom labels
- Accessibility-ready
- No cookies used (GDPR-friendly)
- Performance-optimized and lightweight
- No block library required
- Primarily built with native WordPress components
- Developer-friendly and easy to customize
Stay Connected
這個外掛提供 1 個可供 Gutenberg/區塊編輯器使用的區塊。
- Dark Palette Switcher Create and apply your dark palette in an accessibility-friendly manner using the new Interactivity API.
- You have a couple of options:
- Go to Plugins → Add New and search for “Dark Palette”. Once found, click “Install”.
- Download the Dark Palette from wordpress.org and make sure the folder is zipped. Then upload via Plugins → Add New → Upload.
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen on WordPress.
- Search for the “Dark Palette Switcher” block within the Block Editor (Gutenberg) and add it to a block navigation.
How can I customize my CSS?
You can change the desired behavior using CSS in your theme or in the customizer.
body[data-theme="dark"] { /* your CSS here */ }
Where can I add custom colors
You can go in the style editor (Appearance > Editor > Styles) and add color to your custom palette.
Where can I change the icons?
You can change the icons using CSS in your theme or in the customizer.
.wp-block-mosne-dark-palette.has-icon button.has-icon { mask: url("[your svg path]") no-repeat; } .wp-block-mosne-dark-palette.has-icon button.has-icon--dark { mask: url("[your svg path]") no-repeat; } .wp-block-mosne-dark-palette.has-icon button.has-icon--light { mask: url("[your svg path]") no-repeat; }
0.1.2 – 2023-06-09
- Fix escaping via wp_kses_data and changelogs
0.1.2 – 2023-06-01
- Fix escaping and changelogs
0.1.1 – 2023-05-30
- Fix security (disallow direct access to files)
0.1.0 – 2023-04-04
- Initial release