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Mortgage Calculator


Mortgage Calculator will act as a great addition to any real estate agency website.


  • This mortgage calculator widget allows your website visitors to quickly estimate monthly mortgage payments.
  • Fit easily into any theme, on any device, at any size.
  • Tested in all major browsers.
  • We provide 4 built-in themes.
  • Summary with chart and amortization schedule is shown in the popup window.
  • Choose between bar charts or pie charts.
  • Popup window can be disabled.
  • You can add PMI, HOA, taxes and even extra payments.


  • The Mortgage Calculator front-end, as it appears in your WordPress page.
  • The Mortgage Calculation Summary and Chart, as it appears when a visitor clicks the Calculate button. You use Bar Chart instead of Pie Chart.
  • The Mortgage Calculation Summary, as it appears when a visitor clicks the Calculate button. You use Pie Chart instead of Bar Chart.
  • You can add additional fields like HOA, PMI and extra payments. These fields are disabled by default.
  • You can choose between different themes. There are 4 themes in total.


  1. Upload the ‘mortgage calculator’ directory (including all files within) to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
  2. Activate the mortgage calculator widget through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.


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