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Mhstudio Hubspot Form Popup


HubSpot’s WordPress plugin allows us to add script code in WordPress admin area, You can easily implement hub-spot form in popup and page.You can enter [mhs_hubspot_shortcode] anywhere in your wordpress page where you want form to appear.
If you want to show form in modal then you can simply add class in hyperlink and clicking on href then opens a modal hubspot form.

If you don’t have an account yet, sign up for a free 30 day trial.

Note: HubSpot collects usage information about this plugin so that we can better serve our customers and know what features to add. By installing and activating the HubSpot for WordPress plugin you agree to these terms.



  1. Upload mhs-hubsportform to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to setting page and configure the plugin settings



Do I need any other 3rd party css and js

No you don’t need to include any 3rd party css and js library to integrate hub-spot form into popup, just go to plug-in setting page and setup the class name. Popup will automatically integrate at the time of click on your class selector


2018 年 2 月 23 日
I was facing some issue to implement hubspot form over the popup, I found MHstudio Hubspot form popup plugin over wordpress.org and its made my day, I’ve really been loving this plugin and It’s easy way of use. Thank you Mhstudio!
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