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MemcacheD Is Your Friend


Memcached Object Cache provides a persistent backend for the WordPress object cache. A memcached server and either the
the PECL Memcached or PECL Memcache extension and class are required. Detects either the PECL Memecache or PECL
Memcached (Memcached preferred) class and uses the appropriate interface. That means you don’t need to figure out
which PHP class is available in your installation, the plugin will detect the proper configuration.

This plugin does not require manual copying of files between directories for installation, and it doesn’t require the installer
to differentiate between the memcache and memcached PECL extensions if they know their host makes once available.

Also, because this plugin autodetects the PECL extension available, for those that develop on Windows where the
PECL Memcached extension is not generally available, you can maintain a common configuration with your Linux host
where that extension is common.

Plugin creates a dashboard menu option under “Tools” where you can view your memcached statistics.

Plugin is based laregly on previous works by Matt Martz, Ryan Boren (https://wordpress.org/plugins/memcached/) and
Scott Taylor, Ryan Boren, Matt Martz, Mike Schroder ( https://wordpress.org/plugins/memcached-redux/ )


  1. If not already available, install memcached on at least one server. Note the connection info. The default is

  2. If not already available on your host, install the [PECL extension](http://pecl.php.net/package/memcached or http://pecl.php.net/package/memcached)

  3. Activate the plugin


How can I manually specify the memcached server(s)?

Add something similar to the following to wp-config.php above /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */:

$memcached_servers = array(
    'default' => array(


2024 年 8 月 19 日
Creation of dynamic property WP_Object_Cache::$cache_misses is deprecated wp-content/plugins/memcached-is-your-friend/memcached-class-object-cache.php:486 PHP website reference: Usage of dynamic properties The creation of dynamic properties is deprecated, unless the class opts in by using the #[\AllowDynamicProperties] attribute. stdClass allows dynamic properties. Usage of the __get()/__set() magic methods is not affected by this change. A dynamic properties deprecation warning can be addressed by: Declaring the property (preferred). Adding the #[\AllowDynamicProperties] attribute to the class (which also applies to all child classes). Using aWeakMapif additional data needs to be associated with an object which one does not own.
2017 年 2 月 7 日
A really, really easy install. And to ensure it’s working, just look under Tool > Memcached and see statistics. Thanks!
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  • Initial release public based on previous works