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Marketpress Category Browser


Have you ever wanted to display your product categories like eBay or Amazon does, but found it so hard to do so? Well, this is what this product exactly does for your Marketpress product categories. Features:

  • Works on Marketpress lite and Marketpress pro
  • Automatically adds a thumbnail to the top of your widget using the image in featured posts
  • Allows you to specify thumbnail image width and height for different widgets
  • On a product page, the widget will list any categories this product belongs to, as well as their children. For example, if the product belonged to \”Kitchen\” and \”Dining\”, and there is no parent-child relationship between those categories, the widget would list those categories as well their respective children.
  • On product category pages, the widget will list current category and any of its children
  • On non-Marketpress pages, the widget will display all the site top level categories

Shortcode Usage

Use the shortcode [marketpress_category_widget width=’150′ height=’150′] to insert a widget on any page, with the thumbnail image size on top of size 150×150


  1. Install the plugin as usual from the wordpress repository or by manually uploading it to your site
  2. Go to Appearance->Widget, and look for \”Marketpress Category Widget\”




以下人員參與了開源軟體〈Marketpress Category Browser〉的開發相關工作。


將〈Marketpress Category Browser〉外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版


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  • Removed warning which showed in debug mode


  • Added option to hide empty categories


  • Initial Release to wordpress repo