這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

Magic Buttons for Elementor


This plugin extend Elementor by adding a new button widget, with awesome features and hover effects!

Plugin Demo

Click here to see the plugin demo


This plugin extend Elementor by adding a new button widget, with awesome features and hover effects!

You can impress your audience with new button effects, and thus increase your clicks and conversions!


  • A new “Magic Button” widget available with Elementor
  • 15 exclusive hover effects and animations
  • Easy to customize, lot’s of options available
  • Compatible with Elementor (Magic Button Widget)
  • Compatible with any page builder (if you use the shortcode)
  • Compatible with Gutenberg (if you use the shortcode)

Installation Instructions / How to use

  1. Upload magic-buttons-for-elementor folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Edit a page with Elementor
  4. Drag and drop the Magic Button widget to your page.
  5. Customize it using the widget options and publish the page.
  6. Done! Your magic button is ready! =)

How to display the filterable portfolio grid using a shortcode

The Magic Buttob widget will be available in Elementor items. Just drag it to your website and select the customization options 🙂

You can also use dthe shortcode to display the portfolio grid on a page/post, or using Gutenberg and other page builders:

[magic-button link=”‘.$linkurl.’” target=”‘.$target.’” nofollow=”‘.$nofollow.’” align=”‘.$align.’” style=”‘.$style.’” text=”‘.$text.’” icon=”‘.$iconvalue.’” icon_position=”‘.$icon_align.’” size=”‘.$size.’”]

You can customize it using these options:

  • link: Set the link of the button (eg: link=”http://wordpress.org”).
  • target: You can use it to open the link in a new window. Options: true/false.(eg: target=”true”).
  • nofollow: Use it to set the link as “nofollow”. Options: true/false (eg: nofollow=”true”).
  • align: The aligment of the button. Options: center/left/right. (eg: align=”center”).
  • style: The hover effect of the button. Options: see https://pwrplugins.com/magic-buttons-for-elementor-addon-and-widget-plugin-demo/. (eg: style=”nina”).
  • size: Size of the button. Options: sm/md/lg (eg: size=”lg”).

Please note that the shortcode option is very limited for now. You may need to customize colors and fonts using CSS.
With Elementor, you can customize everything using the widget options.


The hover effects are inspired on this awesome article from Tympanus: https://tympanus.net/codrops/2015/02/26/inspiration-button-styles-effects/




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1.0 – Initial Release