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LSX Testimonials


Create a profile per testimonial, display them in an attractive carousel and house them all in an archive for all your users to view.

People like to see a face behind a business, it gives you a more personal, approachable relationship with your users.

The LSX Testimonials plugin allows you to display your testimonial profiles beautifully on your website.

Testimonial features include:
* Link a gravatar profile which displays the gravatar profile image
* Add a company name and job title, with a link to a company website
* Add a featured image
* Use with LSX Projects and LSX Team to cross-reference team members and projects related to the testimonial
* Use the LSX Blocks plugin to get a Team block for building your pages more easily. Control the layout of your team posts in the block settings.

Free Companion Theme

Designed for the WordPress block editor, LSX Testimonials is built to show off your client testimonials using the free LSX theme that is available via the WordPress theme repository and easily installable via your WordPress backend.

Block Editor Support

The LSX theme is full compatible with the WordPress block editor. This means you can now make use of the drag-and-drop page builder when creating new pages and posts.

LSX Blocks is an extension with blocks designed to display perfectly with the LSX theme. The blocks plugin extends various WordPress core blocks to be more flexible with the WordPress theme.

The combination of LSX Theme & LSX Blocks gives you a true page builder experience using the WordPress Gutenberg block editor.

LSX Testimonials Demo


We have extensive documentation on all our plugins and theme functionality. This allows you to take control of your website setup and design to your needs:


Contact the LightSpeed for assistance via the LSX support form.

If you are experiencing issues with the LSX Testimonials Plugin & have experience with Github, please log any bug issues you are having on the LSX Testimonials Github Issues page.

Contributing to the LSX Testimonials Plugin

If you’re a developer who’s spotted a bug issue and have a fix, or simply have functionality you think would extend our core theme, we are always happy to accept your contribution! Visit the LSX Testimonials Plugin on Github and submit a Pull Request with your updates.


  • The main testimonials archive
  • The testimonial block with carousel option enabled
  • Single Testimonial
  • Settings page


Take a look at all our Frequently Asked Questions, we are sure you’ll find what you’re looking for.

I’ve installed the plugin, now what?

Go to Testimonials > Add new and start adding Testimonials to your website. Follow the steps in the documentation linked below to find out about all the options.

Will the LSX Testimonials plugin work with my theme?

Not unless you are making use of the The LSX theme!

All of the LSX Extensions were built for the LSX theme. Be sure to have it installed and activated for this extension to function.




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