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LSX PayFast Gateway for Give


PayFast is one of the most popular gateways in South Africa. It’s an off-site gateway that allows donors to give securely and then be returned to your website and displayed a donation receipt.

Getting Started with PayFast

In order to accept payments with PayFast using Give you will need to have an active PayFast account, the PayFast Give add-on, and the Give Core plugin installed and activated.

Click here for instructions on installing and activating Give add-ons.

Note: You can always access your add-on purchase receipts, downloads, and licenses from your Give Account dashboard.

After the PayFast add-on is activated, go to “Donations > Settings” and click on the Payment Gateways tab. There you will see the default Payment Gateways (PayPal Standard, Test Payment, and Offline Donations). You should also see PayFast as an option as well. Click on the PayFast checkbox to enable it as an active payment gateway for your website.

It’s Free, and always ill be

We’re firm believers in open source – that’s why we’re releasing the LSX PayFast Gateway for Give plugin for free, forever.


If you’re a developer who’s spotted a bug issue and have a fix, or simply have functionality you think would extend our core theme, we are always happy to accept your contribution! Visit the LSX PayFast Gateway for Give on Github and submit a Pull Request with your updates.

PayFast payment gateway for Give Help & Support

We offer premium support for this plugin. Premium support that can be purchased via our website.

If you are experiencing issues with the LSX Importer for PayFast payment gateway for Give Plugin & have experience with Github, please log any bug issues you are having on the PayFast payment gateway for Give Github Issues page.


  1. Log in to your WordPress website (www.yourwebsiteurl.com/wp-admin).
  2. Navigate to “Plugins”, and select “Add New”.
  3. Upload the .zip file you downloaded and click install now.
  4. When the installation is complete, Activate your plugin.
  5. Payfast will now appear under WooCommerce > Settings > Checkout


What does this plugin do?

Enables PayFast Payment Gateway

Where can I get support?

For help with add-ons from LightSpeed, use our support package plan.

Where can I report bugs or contribute to the project?

Bugs can be reported either in our support account or preferably on the LSX PayFast Gateway for Give GitHub repository.

The LSX PayFast Gateway for Give plugin is awesome! Can I contribute?

Yes you can! Join in on our GitHub repository

I need custom functionality for this plugin. Can you build it?

Yes. Just send us a message via contact form with precise information about what you require.


2019 年 11 月 8 日
Awesome job, does exactly what the paid Give PayFast paygate plugin does… Saved me $79… Thanks so much!!!!!
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