Loco Translate 能讓使用者在瀏覽器中編輯 WordPress 譯文檔案,並整合第三方機器自動翻譯服務。
它也為開發者提供了 Gettext/本地化工具,例如擷取原文內容及產生範本檔案。
- 在 WordPress 管理後台提供譯文編輯器。
- 目前整合的機器翻譯 API 包含 DeepL、Google、Microsoft 及 Lecto AI。
- 直接為佈景主題及外掛建立及更新本地化檔案。
- 從原始程式碼中擷取可進行本地化的內容。
- 主機無須安裝 Gettext 即可原生編譯 MO 檔。
- 支援包含註解、參照及複數型在內的 PO 檔功能。
- 帶有可點擊的原始程式碼參照的 PO 檔來源檢視。
- 用於儲存自訂譯文的受保護語言目錄。
- 可設定 PO 檔的備份數量,並具備差異備份及還原功能。
- 內建 WordPress 地區語言代碼。
這是由 Tim Whitlock 為 Loco 服務所開發的官方 WordPress 外掛。
PO 檔編輯器支援下列鍵盤快速鍵,提昇本地化效率:
- 完成並前往下一個:
Ctrl + ↵
- 下一筆原文內容:
Ctrl + ↓
- 上一筆原文內容:
Shift + Ctrl + ↑
- 下一筆未譯譯文:
Shift + Ctrl + ↓
- 上一筆未譯譯文:
Shift + Ctrl + ↑
- 複製原文內容:
Ctrl + B
- 清除譯文:
Ctrl + K
- 切換模糊翻譯:
Ctrl + U
- 儲存 PO 檔/編譯 MO 檔:
Ctrl + S
- 顯示/隱藏編輯標記:
Shift + Ctrl + I
- 建議譯文:
Ctrl + J
macOS 的使用者請用 ⌘ Cmd 取代 Ctrl。
譯者請注意,要以你的母語為佈景主題 (或外掛) 進行本地化,請依以下步驟操作:
- 在
,視需求而定) 中建立受保護的語言目錄。 - 確保建立的目錄可由網頁伺服器進行寫入。
- 在 [Loco Translate]→[佈景主題] (或 [外掛],視需求而定) 的清單中,找到要進行本地化的佈景主題 (或外掛)。
- 點擊
[+ 新增語言]
- 在套件根目錄下建立名為
的子目錄。 - 確保建立的目錄可由網頁伺服器進行寫入。
- 在 [Loco Translate] 的 [佈景主題] 或 [外掛] 頁面中找到你所開發的套件。
- 點擊
[+ 建立範本]
,並依照螢幕提示以擷取原文。 - 點擊
[+ 新增語言]
- 將解壓縮後所得的
目錄。 - 登入 WordPress 管理後台,並透過 [外掛] 選單啟用 Loco Translate 外掛。
- 由左側選單前往 [Loco Translate]→[主要資訊],然後開始進行本地化。
= 2.7.1
* Debug logging of unloaded domains reduced to a summary
= 2.7.0
* Raised minimum requirements to WordPress 6.6
* Minimum PHP version becomes 7.2.24 as per WordPress 6.6
* Locale-filtered bundle list now searches for base language
* Loading helper forcefully removes prematurely loaded text domains
* Machine translation hooks now have access to message context
* Persistent UI state for code view and invisible character modes
- Critical fix: A relative path passed to
no longer throws exception.
- Fix for direct calls to load_textdomain with custom paths
- This resolves a regression in 2.6.12
- Major fix to custom load_textdomain loader. Works when original file is absent
- Fixed bug in template comparison when JSON files need to be merged
- CSS fixes including reinstating of unsaved “star” icon
- Domain listener fixed for JIT loading
- Bumped WordPress compatibility to 6.7
- Removed accidental console trace
- Bumped WordPress compatibility to 6.6.0
- Added lang_dir_for_domain fix to handle system file absence
- Added loco_api_provider_{id} filter
- JSON compiler observes configured .js aliases
- Fixed a missing security check – thanks Nosa Shandy
- Added .blade.php tokenizer hack
- Bumped WordPress compatibility to 6.5.4
- Rolled back load helper changes
- Moved debug messages to action hooks
- String debugger improvements
- Added string debugger
- Added Zip download button instead of MO
- Added debug messages about premature domain loading
- Added warning when system translations not installed
- Compiler avoids writing empty JSON translation files
- UI promotes PO copy over msginit/xgettext routes
- Populating msginit fields when copying a PO
- Bumped WordPress compatibility to 6.5.3
- WordPress 6.5.0 compatible
- Support for performant translation files in PHP format
- Added block.json and theme.json extraction
- Added theme pattern files to php string extractor
- Fixed a bug where unused plural forms were counted as untranslated
- Replaced CSS .notice with .panel to mitigate nag-blocker problems
- Removed bundle debug screen (deprecated since 2.6.5)
- Workaround for absent “source” references in JED files
- Extension polyfills now restricted to Loco admin screens.
- Replaced open_basedir check with error capturing
- Added syntax checking function
- Removed deepl_api_url config. Free API detected from :fx key suffix.
- Fixed bug in relative path calculations
- Fixed API suggestions for plural forms
- Fixed bug clearing unsaved state icons
- Added total strings count to PO file tables
- Sharper flags and spinners (@x2 pixel support)
- Handling upload_tmp_dir values outside of open_basedir
- Suppressing E_WARNING when testing file is_readable
- Bundle debug screen is deprecated (moving into Setup)
- Showing System Diagnostics when debug is off
- Bumped WordPress compatibility to 6.3.1
- Bumped WordPress version to 6.1.1
- Dropped support for Internet Explorer
- Updated JavaScript to ECMAScript 6
- Added
hook - Fixed error icon not clearing after correction
- Fixed bug in plural forms comparison
- Fixed bug generating author theme jsons
- Fixed errors in bundle debugger
- Extended cli type argument to filter specific bundle
- Bumped WordPress version to 6.0.3
- Bumped WordPress version to 6.0.0
- Better labelling of reverse-engineered plural forms
- Removed undocumented loco_locale_plurals filter; use loco_po_headers
- Added PO folder location indicator in breadcrumb
- Added syntax validation for formatted strings
- Bumped WordPress version to 5.9.2
- Fix for CVE-2022-0765 reported by Taurus Omar via wpscan
- Dropped support for WordPress < 5.2
- Code upgrades for >= PHP 5.6.20
- Bumped WordPress version to 5.9.1
- Removed Yandex API integration
- Added loco_compile_script_reference filter
- Plural-Forms retained when copying PO to same language
- Compatible with PHP 8.1
- Bumped WordPress version to 5.9
- Added deprecation warning prior to v2.6
- Fixed bug in 2.5.6 where remote APIs could not be used in batch mode
- Enforcing 10k character limit per request for Microsoft and Yandex Translators
- Style fix for revision/diff table under restore tab
- Added loco_api_provider_source filter
- Fixed bug loading user preferences saved in older version
- Refactored file finder to avoid recursive function calls
- Fixed bug displaying two forms for zero plural languages
- Added Lecto AI to translation API providers
- Bumped WordPress version to 5.8.3
- Fixed double file extension vulnerability reported by WordFence
- Better performance when scanning directories for file types
- Fixed vulnerability reported by Tomi Ashari via wpscan
- Added filters loco_po_headers and loco_pot_headers
- Bumped WordPress version to 5.8.1
- Adds option to merge JSON translations when syncing from PO
- Adds screen for editing file headers and sync options
- Fix for missing responseText in failed Ajax responses
- Fix for HTML entities returned from
- Localized number formatting in JavaScript
- Replaced usage of date_i18n with wp_date
- Added configurable API endpoint for DeepL
- Bumped WordPress version to 5.7.2
- Added implied formality and loco_locale_formality filter
- Added cli fetch command (experimental)
- Bumped WordPress version to 5.7
- Support for new Yandex translate API
- Support for DeepL formality parameter
- Removed literal “1” and “one” instances from singular strings
- Buffering compiled JSON to support strings from multiple sources
- Added
filter for specifying custom JSON - Added
hook for adding custom strings - Sync no longer removes the editor’s current text filter
- Bumped WordPress version to 5.6.2
- PHP 8.0.0 compatibility
- Bumped WordPress version to 5.6.0
- Added JSON translation file generation
- Added custom JSON loading to LoadHelper
- Disabled emoji image replacement on our admin screens
- Fixed critical bug syncing PO directly to source code
- Added plugin setting for allowing/disallowing missing POT
- Fixed WP5.5 issue with multiple ID attributes on script tags
- Added WP-CLI sync and extract commands
- Fixed {locale} placeholder bug introduced in 2.4.4
- Improved handling of invalid character encodings
- Sync (msgmerge) moved to back end
- New fuzzy matching with fuzziness setting
- Bumped WordPress version to 5.5.3
- Added PO file upload feature
- Added download button to file info page
- Fix for extracting plurals also used as singulars
- Updating API keys no longer require editor page reload
- Catching fatal startup errors in loco.php
- Supporting max_php_size=0 to mean no size restriction
- Auto-update detection now checks new site options
- Bumped WordPress version to 5.5.1
- Improved fix for default syncing of msgstr fields
- Reverted accidental removal of js debug flag
- Minor fixes to API error messages
- Removed use of jQuery.browser
- Bugfix for new preferences in usermeta
- Added loco_file_written hook
- Improved script tampering warning
- Added keypress for selecting auto-suggestion
- Sync no longer copies msgstr fields by default
- Style tweaks for WordPress 5.5
- Fixed mapping of some API languages
- Added locale filter to user preferences
- Added debugging for credential form failures
- Fixed deprecated use of array_key_exists
- Added DeepL API service provider
- Improved script tampering detection
- Bumped WordPress version to 5.5
- Added “modern” skin styles
- Added support for third party translation APIs
- Added file references to editor source pane in code view
- Added fuzzy matching during editor Sync operation
- Style changes including rearrangement of editor buttons
- Elevated warnings when scripts are tampered with
- Removed remnants of legacy version 1.x
- Updated translatable strings
- Added missing template recommendation
- Alerting in debug mode when scripts are tampered with
- Fix for Hello Dolly being installed into a folder
- Removed translation column in POT edit mode
- Added setting to prevent ‘translating’ of POT files
- Enabled some linkable translations using wp_kses
- Bumped WordPress version to 5.4.1
- Fixed fatal error when class not found
- Removed login/email from default Last-Translator credit
- Bumped WP compatibility to 5.4
- Fixed PHP 7.4 deprecations
- Default POT getter now looks in “lang” directory
- Not calling deprecated magic quotes functions under PHP 7.4
- Fixed issue with conflicting page hooks
- Ajax file uploads now enabled by default
- Removed legacy option migrations from 1.x branch
- Bumped WP compatibility to 5.2.4
- Added experimental support for multipart uploads
- Added relocation tab for moving translation sets
- Creation of missing directories when writing new files
- Fixed duplicate file addition when iterating over symlink
- Bumped WP compatibility to 5.2.1
- Security fixes as per exploit-db 46619
- Fixed old PHP version error in data files
- Bumped WP compatibility to 5.1.1
- Fixed bug where plural tabs not displaying RTL
- Various improvements to PO parser incl. better charset handling
- Excluding node_modules and vendor directories by default
- Transients now have maximum lifespan of 10 days, refreshed after 24h
- Symlink fix for followed theme paths detected outside theme
- Deprecated config repository lookup
- Bumped WP compatibility to 5.1
- Fix for empty language code when getting plural rules
- Added X-Loco-Version header to generated Gettext files
- Added sanity check for mbstring.func_overload madness
- Added “Assign template” link on missing template page
- Added JavaScript string extraction (experimental)
- Editor supports sprintf-js when javascript-format tag present
- Fix for duplicate comments when end punctuation differs
- Marking msgctxt more clearly in editor views
- Added
action hook - Bumped WP compatibility to 5.0 (beta)
- Updated locale data
- Minor fix to file reference resolution
- Fixed windows paths with trailing backslash
- Fixed ssh-keys toggling issue
- Rejigged buffer handling during Ajax
- Bumped WP compatibility to 4.9.8
- Bumped WP compatibility to 4.9.6
- Hooked in privacy policy suggestion
- Added loco_locale_name filter and updated locale data
- Fixed editor column sorting to update as values change
- Supporting RTL text in editor preview rows
- Minor refactor of debug mode routing check
- Minor PO parser improvements
- Bumped WP compatibility to 4.9.5
- Fixed undeclared property in admin hook
- Fixed incompatibility with older WordPress
- Fixed incorrect millisecond reporting in footer
- Removed locale progress column for en_US locale
- Tweaks to debugging and error logging
- Setting
on new POT files - Added source view to quick links in file tables
- Supporting only WordPress style locale codes
- Editor screen tolerates missing PO headers
- Ajax debugging improvements for issue reporting
- Added loco_parse_locale action callback
- Add
setting to avoid overwriting system files - Fixed bug in connect dialogue where errors not redisplayed
- Minor improvements to inline notices
- Removed downgrade notice under version tab
- Fixed extraction bug where file header confused with comment
- Resolved some inconsistencies between PHP and JS utilities
- Added Restore tab with diff display
- Added
hook - Prevented editor from changing PO document order
- Added default string sorting to extracted strings
- Added “Languages” section for grouping files by locale
- Fixed bug where translations loaded before user profile language set
- Added loco_locale_plurals filter for customising plural rules
- Allowing PO files to enforce their own Plural-Forms rules
- Added
filter for debugging remote problems - Updated plural forms from Unicode CLDR
- PHP extractor avoids repeated comments
- Bumped WP compatibility to 4.9.4
- Unofficial languages showing in “Installed” dropdown
- Fixed extraction bug where comment confused with file header
- Fixed issue where src attributes requested from server during HTML strip
- Added loco_admin_init hook into ajax router for consistency
- Added warning on file info page when file is managed by WordPress
- Minor help link and layout tweaks
- Bumped WP compatibility to 4.9.1
- File writer observes wp_is_file_mod_allowed
- Fixed progress bug in editor for locales with nplurals=1
- Made plural form categories translatable for editor UI
- Sync-from-source raises warning when files are skipped
- Added hack for extracting from .twig as per .php
- Added warning when child themes declare parent text domain
- Added option to control PO line wrapping
- Bumped WP compatibility to 4.8.2
- Permanently removed legacy version 1.x
- Fixed bug where editor code view was not redrawn on resize
- Fixed bug where fuzzy flag caused format flag to be ignored
- Fixed bug where autoloader responded to very long class names
- Purging WP object cache when active plugin list changes
- Added experimental source word count into POT info tab
- Bumped WP compatibility to 4.8.1
- Editor improvements inc. column sorting
- Added warnings that legacy version will be removed
- Added PO source view text filtering
- Added _fs_nonce for 4.7.5 compatibility
- Migrated to canonical text domain
- Removed wp class autoloading
- CSS conflict fixes
- Added option for UTF-8 byte order mark
- Printf highlighting observes no-php-format flag
- Fixed issue with translator role losing “read” permission
- Minor fix for root path configs
- Added alternative PHP extensions setting
- Bumped WP version to 4.7.3
- LoadHelper fix for core files
- Allow revoking of permissions from translator role
- Allow network admins to deny access to site admins
- Extra debug logging and error diagnostics
- Forcefully clear output buffers before Ajax flush
- Bumped WordPress version to 4.7
- Experimental wildcard text domain support
- Allows missing domain argument in plugin_locale filter
- Reverted editor changes that disabled readonly text
- Added invisibles and coding editor switches
- Added table filtering via text query
- Added Last-Translator user preference
- Bumped minimum WordPress version to 4.1
- Some optimisation of transient caching
- Fixed hash table settings bug
- Source refs fix for files in unknown subsets
- Downgrades PO formatting exceptions to PHP warnings
- Renamed function prefixes to avoid PHP 7 warnings
- Better support for php-format and no-php-format flag
- PO source and editor UI tweaks
- Localised strings and implemented in js
- Fixed prototype.js conflict
- More Windows file path fixes
- Added loco_current_translator filter
- Fixed false positive in extra files test
- PO wrapping bugfix
- Downgraded source code bugfix
- Tolerating headerless POT files
- Core bundle metadata tweaks
- Deferred missing tokenizer warning
- Allows editing of files in unconfigured sets
- Added maximum PHP file size for string extraction
- Display of PHP fatal errors during Ajax
- Reduced session failures to debug notices
- Added wp_roles support for WP < 4.3
- Fixed domain listener bugs
- Added support for Windows servers
- Removed incomplete config warning on bundle overview
- Fixed bug when absolute path used to get plugins
- Added loco_plugins_data filter
- Added theme Template Name header extraction
- Minor copy amends
- Added help link in settings page
- Fixed opendir warnings in legacy code
- Catching session errors during init
- Removing meta row link when plugin not found
- First release of completely rebuilt version 2