Your readers want your updates as quickly as possible, and we think we provide the easiest and the most flexible publishing environment to make that happen. Sometimes though, that’s just not enough.
When you’re covering a fast-paced event — the latest Apple unveiling, an F1 Grand Prix, or the Super Bowl — a full blog post for each individual update is a poor experience for your authors and your audience.
I think this plugin is not good at all. Plus the customer service is bad, to me it seem that person not really know how to addressing or resolve my issue.
Плагин выключен. И не больше не работает. Поддержка исчезла. На странице их сайта замок.
The plugin is disabled. And does not work anymore. Support disappeared. On the page of their site is the castle.
The plugin does post information as specified and was a decent option when we used several work arounds to get our posts up cleanly. We are no longer using this plugin because of several broken features. Browsing through the support page, it looks like all of my complaints are on there with ZERO response from the developers. The apostrophe issue is the major one (code &x27; instead of ‘), embeds are not working as they should, word wrapping instead of breaking and the text editor has a scrolling window that continuously types content instead of wrapping making it very hard to see content. We need simplicity in design just like the WordPress Posts and Pages. Appreciate the effort as it is a powerful tool, just not 100% complete yet. I have non web people using the plugin and they need simple simple simple.
Not sure why many gave so little stars. For me it works quite well. What it lacks is the ability to add it as a shortcode to any page. Right now the only way to add it is to a post, which is very limiting. Anyways, super useful plugin. Thanks!