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List category posts with pagination


List Category Posts with pagination allows you to list posts from a category into a post or page using the [mycatlist] shortcode.

The shortcode accepts a category id so attribute would be “cat=Category_ID, the order would be default according to post date, and the number of posts will be displayed according to pagination option.

Great to use WordPress as a CMS, and create pages with several categories posts.

Works correctly with WordPress 3.1 and default theme

Usage: [mycatlist cat=Category_ID]

Support the plugin

If you’ve found the plugin useful, Visit My site http://w3grip.com/
The arguments you can use are:

  • id – To display posts from a category using the category’s catid. Ex: [mycatlist cat=1]. You can include several categories: Ex: [mycatlist cat=17,24,32]


  • Upload listcat directory into your wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  • Login to your WordPress Admin menu, go to Plugins, and activate it.
  • or Just upload zip file by clicking plugin menu and activate it.




以下人員參與了開源軟體〈List category posts with pagination〉的開發相關工作。
