這個外掛並未在最新的 3 個 WordPress 主要版本上進行測試。開發者可能不再對這個外掛進行維護或提供技術支援,並可能會與更新版本的 WordPress 產生使用上的相容性問題。

Landing sites


When visitors is referred to your site from a search engine, they are definitely looking for something specific – often they just roughly check the page they land on and then closes the window if what they are looking for isn’t there. Why not help them by showing them related posts to their search on your blog? This plugin lets you do that, works with a long list of search engines!

Details on functions


Returning true if the referrer is a supported search engine – used as a conditional tag


Outputs the search terms


Outputs a link to the referring search engine


Outputs the list of related posts. This can be customized by passing variables to it. ls_related(‘limit’, ‘length’, ‘before title’, ‘after title’, ‘before post’, ‘after post’, ‘show password protected posts’, ‘show post excerpts’).


Outputs links to other search engines results. This can be customized by passing variables to it. ls_search_engines(‘before_title’, ‘after_title’).

In the code example in the FAQ, it outputs 5 related posts, 10 words per excerpt (if excerpts are enabled), list item start before title, list item close after post title, no content before and after posts, doesn’t show password protected posts and doesn’t show excerpts.


  • A website showing related post when a visitor has searched for “landing sites screenshot”


  1. Upload the folder landing-sites to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory

  2. Activate the plugin

  3. Check FAQ to show the related posts list


How to show the related posts list?

Add this code (in your index.php or somewhere else):

<?php if (ls_getinfo('isref')) : ?>
   <h2><?php ls_getinfo('terms'); ?></h2>
   <p>You came here from <?php ls_getinfo('referrer'); ?> searching for <i><?php ls_getinfo('terms'); ?></i>. These posts might be of interest:</p>
     <?php ls_related(5, 10, '<li>', '</li>', '', '', false, false); ?>
<?php endif; ?>




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